Vehicle Impound Charges Clarification
Impound charges in Virginia can vary based on several factors such as the reason of impoundment, duration of the vehicle stay, etc. Section 46.2-1233.1 of the Virginia Code sets maximum towing and storage fees. Discrepancies could be due to additional fees, misinterpretation of the code, or specifics of the case. Consult a local attorney for clarification.Full Conversation
I have a question about vehicle impound charges in Virginia
Hello ****, impound charges in Virginia can vary based on several factors such as the reason of impoundment, duration of the vehicle stay, etc. Can you please provide more specific details about your situation?
My car was impounded Dec 9th in New Kent county VA for driving on revoked license. The tow lot charges $* for the towing and $* a day for storage. However the code of VA *.*-*.* says the maximum rates are $* for tow and $* per day for storage. Can you clarify the difference?
Hello ****, you're referring to Section *.*-*.* of the Virginia Code that sets maximum towing and storage fees. The discrepancy you're seeing could be due to:
- Additional fees not covered by the code.
- Misinterpretation of the code by the towing company.
- Extra charges due to the specifics of your case.
You may want to contact a local attorney for clarification.
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, it's important to consult with a local attorney for specific legal advice. Stay safe!