In Ontarios Small Claims Court, you can request an extension of time by filing Form 15A: Notice of Motion and Affidavit. The court will notify the other party (defendant), and a judge will decide on the request. To set a date for a settlement conference, you need to complete Form 13B: Request to Clerk and file it with the court. Typically, Form 15B for an extension is filed before Form 13B for setting a settlement conference date. Consult a legal professional for specific guidance.Full Conversation
Is it common practice according to small claims court in ontario . Request to clerk for extension of tome
In Ontario, you can request an extension of time in Small Claims Court. However, it's not automatically granted. You need to:
- Fill out Form 15B: Motion Form.
- Explain why you need more time.
- File it with the court.
The decision is up to the judge.
Abd date to be setfor settlemtrbt conference in ontario
To set a date for a settlement conference in Ontario's Small Claims Court, you need to:
- Complete Form 13B: Request to Clerk.
- Indicate your preferred dates.
- File it with the court.
Clerk's office will then set the date.
Is a * B filed before 15A fir extensuon of time
In Ontario's Small Claims Court, you would typically file Form 15B for an extension of time before submitting Form 13B to set a date for the settlement conference. However, your specific circumstances might affect this. Please consult with a legal professional.
According to proceedure the noving party
Could you please clarify what you mean by "the moving party"? Are you referring to the party that initiates a motion in court, such as for an extension of time or to set a settlement conference date?
The moving party filrs a * A
Could you please clarify if by "15A" you're referring to Form 15A: Notice of Motion and Affidavit in Ontario's Small Claims Court? Your location and exact context would help me provide more accurate information.
Afor added extenson of time .
In Ontario's Small Claims Court, if you're the moving party (the one initiating a motion) and you need an extension of time, you need to:
- Fill out Form 15A: Notice of Motion and Affidavit.
- Explain why you need more time.
- File it with the court.
The judge will decide on the request.
Requred die additional time , in relstion to setylenent cnferenc3
To clarify, are you asking whether you can request additional time related to a settlement conference in Ontario's Small Claims Court?
File a q5 A first with ? And then what happens with degendants
Are you asking about Form 5A: Plaintiff's Claim in Ontario's Small Claims Court and what happens with defendants after it's filed? Please confirm so I can provide more accurate information.
In ontario
Are you asking about the process after filing Form 5A: Plaintiff's Claim in Ontario's Small Claims Court?
In Ontario's Small Claims Court, after filing Form 15A (Notice of Motion and Affidavit) for extension of time, the court will notify the other party (defendant). The judge will decide on the request.