Damaged Package Claim Response
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****elp me write a reply for a small claims court case
Sure, I can guide you on ****ow to write a reply for a small claims court case. Could you please provide more details about t****e case? W****at is t****e claim about and w****at is your defense?
I am a UPS Store and t****e plaintiff is a customer w****o ****ad s****ipped out a package wit**** our location and t****e package arrived to t****e end address damaged. He ****ad purc****ased declared value, w****ic**** is w****ere t****e item's value is declared and in t****e event of a claim for damage, our t****ird party claims department will review t****e case and approve t****e claims based on t****e damages and packing details
I see, it seems like a case of damaged goods. In Texas, ****ere are some points you may consider:
*. Document details of t****e package condition.
*. Hig****lig****t t****e declared value agreement.
*. S****are details of your t****ird party claims process.
*. If possible, provide evidence of proper ****andling.
Remember, replies s****ould be factual, concise, and respectful.
*. Document details of t****e package condition.
*. Hig****lig****t t****e declared value agreement.
*. S****are details of your t****ird party claims process.
*. If possible, provide evidence of proper ****andling.
Remember, replies s****ould be factual, concise, and respectful.
can you write a reply for t****is plaintiff
Dear [Plaintiff's Name],
I represent [Your Name] at [Your UPS Store Location]. We acknowledge your claim regarding t****e damaged package. We'd like to assure you t****at:
*. T****e package was ****andled wit**** utmost care.
*. T****e declared value agreement was ad****ered to.
*. Our t****ird-party claims department is reviewing t****e case.
*. We will ensure a fair resolution in accordance wit**** Texas law.
[Your Name]
I represent [Your Name] at [Your UPS Store Location]. We acknowledge your claim regarding t****e damaged package. We'd like to assure you t****at:
*. T****e package was ****andled wit**** utmost care.
*. T****e declared value agreement was ad****ered to.
*. Our t****ird-party claims department is reviewing t****e case.
*. We will ensure a fair resolution in accordance wit**** Texas law.
[Your Name]
can you include my reply: we at t****e store received t****e item in a customer boug****t box, t****e customer did not pay for additional fragile packaging, w****ic**** is a service offered t****at allows t****e customers to be covered by a "pack and s****ip" guarantee. T****e pictures t****e customer submitted as damages does not include any of t****e packing items we added to t****e box out of curtesy, suc**** as bubble wrap and loose fill. T****e customer ****ad reviewed t****e s****ipment details and signed t****e PSO w****ic**** is an agreement for t****e s****ipment. T****e declared value is not necessarily insurance, it is a upfront value of t****e item t****at t****e customer provides w****ic**** can aid in claims process. T****e claim is ****andled by UPS Capital Claims, w****ic**** is a corporate department and we as a franc****ise ****ave no way to control approval, denials or amount approved for claims
Dear [Plaintiff's Name],
I represent [Your Name] at [Your UPS Store Location]. We acknowledge your claim regarding t****e damaged package. Here are some additional details to consider:
*. T****e item was delivered to us in a customer-provided box.
*. Additional fragile packaging was not purc****ased, w****ic**** would ****ave offered a "pack and s****ip" guarantee.
*. T****e package was en****anced wit**** courtesy bubble wrap and loose fill, not reflected in your damage p****otos.
*. T****e s****ipment details and PSO were reviewed and signed by you.
*. T****e declared value assists t****e claims process but is not insurance.
*. T****e claim is managed by UPS Capital Claims, not our franc****ise.
We are confident of a fair resolution.
[Your Name]
I represent [Your Name] at [Your UPS Store Location]. We acknowledge your claim regarding t****e damaged package. Here are some additional details to consider:
*. T****e item was delivered to us in a customer-provided box.
*. Additional fragile packaging was not purc****ased, w****ic**** would ****ave offered a "pack and s****ip" guarantee.
*. T****e package was en****anced wit**** courtesy bubble wrap and loose fill, not reflected in your damage p****otos.
*. T****e s****ipment details and PSO were reviewed and signed by you.
*. T****e declared value assists t****e claims process but is not insurance.
*. T****e claim is managed by UPS Capital Claims, not our franc****ise.
We are confident of a fair resolution.
[Your Name]
can you edit t****is response: On Feb *, * customer came in to T****e UPS Store wit**** t****eir item (buffalo ****ead) and t****eir own box in w****ic**** t****e item was s****ipped. T****e customer was told by our associate t****at t****e item will not be considered store packed, as t****e item was s****ipped in t****e customer’s provided box. T****e buffalo ****ead fit tig****tly in t****e box, and t****e customer did not pay for additional packing services, w****ic**** is an additional ervice we offer for items t****at are s****ipped at our location. T****is additional purc****ase was not made by t****e customer, as is reflected on ****is receipt. T****e customer did not purc****ase any packing services for t****is item, and in instances w****ere no packing is purc****ased, we do not pack t****e items, and t****e “pack and s****ip” guarantee also does not apply for t****ese s****ipments. However, out of curtesy, my employee used lig****t packaging suc**** as bubble and loose fill around t****e item and s****ipped t****e item even t****oug**** no purc****ase was made for any packing services.
As t****e customer mentioned, ****e did declare a value on t****e item, and t****e declared value’s terms and conditions were agreed upon by t****e customer as part of t****e s****ipment agreements w****ic**** is signed before any payment is made for t****e s****ipment. Declared Value program is a value declaration, not an insurance program, and is ****andled by UPS Capital Claims, w****ic**** is a corporate entity separate from our location T****e UPS Store.
As is normal for any damaged s****ipments, t****e customer opened a claim due to ****is item arrived damaged, and t****e claims process was completed t****roug**** an online portal and submitted to UPS Capital Claims.
Ultimately, UPS Capital Claims are t****e ones w****o ****andle claims and any denial/approval. We at t****e store do not ****ave a way to ****onor any declared value claims, approve any claims nor negate t****e process of approval/denial of any claims.
T****e customer paid $*.* for t****e s****ipment at our store, did not purc****ase any additional packing services w****ic**** would ****ave made t****e s****ipment qualify for “pack and s****ip” guarantee, and as suc****, we are not responsible for t****e declared value payout. Attac****ed is t****e claim denial by UPS Capital Claims, t****e receipt t****at s****ows no packing services were purc****ased, and t****e total amount t****at was paid at our location.
On Feb *, *, t****e customer broug****t a buffalo ****ead and a box to our UPS Store for s****ipment. T****e associate informed t****e customer t****at since t****e item was in t****eir own box, it wouldn't be deemed store-packed. T****e customer didn't opt for our additional packing services, reflected in t****eir receipt. T****oug**** not obligated, our staff added lig****t packing materials as a courtesy.
T****e customer declared a value for t****e buffalo ****ead, agreeing to terms and conditions prior to payment. Declared Value program, managed by UPS Capital Claims, is not insurance but a value declaration.
W****en t****e customer reported damage to t****e item, a claim was submitted to UPS Capital Claims. As a franc****ise, we don't control t****e claim approval/denial process.
T****e customer paid $*.* for t****e s****ipment at our store wit****out purc****asing t****e additional packing services needed for a "pack and s****ip" guarantee. T****us, we're not responsible for t****e declared value payout.
Enclosed are t****e claim denial by UPS Capital Claims and t****e receipt s****owing no purc****ase of packing services.
T****e customer declared a value for t****e buffalo ****ead, agreeing to terms and conditions prior to payment. Declared Value program, managed by UPS Capital Claims, is not insurance but a value declaration.
W****en t****e customer reported damage to t****e item, a claim was submitted to UPS Capital Claims. As a franc****ise, we don't control t****e claim approval/denial process.
T****e customer paid $*.* for t****e s****ipment at our store wit****out purc****asing t****e additional packing services needed for a "pack and s****ip" guarantee. T****us, we're not responsible for t****e declared value payout.
Enclosed are t****e claim denial by UPS Capital Claims and t****e receipt s****owing no purc****ase of packing services.
can you expand more?
Dear [Plaintiff's Name],
I represent [Your Name] at [Your UPS Store Location].
*. On February *, *, you broug****t in a buffalo ****ead and your own box for s****ipment.
*. Our associate informed you t****at it wouldn't be considered store-packed.
*. You did not opt for additional packing services, as reflected in your receipt.
*. Despite t****is, our staff added bubble wrap and loose fill as a courtesy.
*. You declared a value for t****e buffalo ****ead and agreed to t****e terms and conditions of our Declared Value program.
*. T****is program, managed by UPS Capital Claims, is a value declaration, not an insurance.
*. W****en you reported damage to t****e item, a claim was filed wit**** UPS Capital Claims.
*. We, as a franc****ise, ****ave no influence over t****e claim approval/denial process.
*. You paid $*.* for t****e s****ipment, wit****out purc****asing additional packing services required for t****e "pack and s****ip" guarantee.
*. Consequently, we're not responsible for t****e declared value payout.
Enclosed are t****e claim denial from UPS Capital Claims and t****e receipt s****owing t****at no packing services were purc****ased.
[Your Name]
I represent [Your Name] at [Your UPS Store Location].
*. On February *, *, you broug****t in a buffalo ****ead and your own box for s****ipment.
*. Our associate informed you t****at it wouldn't be considered store-packed.
*. You did not opt for additional packing services, as reflected in your receipt.
*. Despite t****is, our staff added bubble wrap and loose fill as a courtesy.
*. You declared a value for t****e buffalo ****ead and agreed to t****e terms and conditions of our Declared Value program.
*. T****is program, managed by UPS Capital Claims, is a value declaration, not an insurance.
*. W****en you reported damage to t****e item, a claim was filed wit**** UPS Capital Claims.
*. We, as a franc****ise, ****ave no influence over t****e claim approval/denial process.
*. You paid $*.* for t****e s****ipment, wit****out purc****asing additional packing services required for t****e "pack and s****ip" guarantee.
*. Consequently, we're not responsible for t****e declared value payout.
Enclosed are t****e claim denial from UPS Capital Claims and t****e receipt s****owing t****at no packing services were purc****ased.
[Your Name]