Request Video Conference Hearing


In Ottawa Small Claims Court, you can request a video conference hearing by submitting a written request citing Rule 1.07. This rule allows for hearings to be conducted via telephone or video conferencing if both the court and the parties agree. Ensure your request is justified and follows the courts guidelines. The clerk will inform the judge, who will then decide based on the merits of your request and the courts availability.

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Hello Temp, nice to meet you. Could you please share more details about the legal issue that you're facing? This way I can provide you with the most accurate information.
Can you specificalky write a template for a notice of motion for extension of time in small claims ciurt in point form for self representative
Sure, I'd be happy to help you draft a general template. However, rules may vary by location. Could you please share your location so I can provide the most accurate information?
Ottawa , ontario
Sure, here's a basic structure for your motion:
*. Case caption (court, parties, case number, judge)
*. Title of your motion
*. Introduction stating who you are and what you're requesting
*. Legal grounds for your request (cite applicable rules)
*. Facts supporting your request
*. Conclusion with your request
*. Your signature, name, address, and date
Please tailor this to your case and consult a legal professional.
Can i reuest video cnference instead of written ,
Yes, in Ontario, you can request video conferencing for small claims court. This is often done through Rule *.* of the Rules of the Small Claims Court. Ensure you have a valid reason for this request.
Are you sure in ottawa small claims court , clerk said written when requesting video
Yes, in Ottawa Small Claims Court, a written request is usually required for video conferencing. It's under Rule *.* of the Rules of the Small Claims Court. Justify your request and follow their procedure.
What is rule *
Rule *.* in the Ontario Small Claims Court allows for hearings to be conducted by telephone or video conferencing if both the court and the parties agree. It aims to increase accessibility and efficiency. Please verify with your local court.
Will i ve in trouble with vourt for siting rule *
No, citing Rule *.* correctly in your request won't get you in trouble. It shows your knowledge of court procedures and your wish to utilize them. Always ensure your requests comply with the court's guidelines.
Does clerk ask judge in these matters
Yes, usually the clerk would inform the judge about your request. The judge then decides on the matter, based on the merits of your request and the court's availability for video conferencing.