Eviction Rights In Wisconsin


In Wisconsin, eviction requires proper notice specifying the reason. Improper notice can invalidate the eviction. Police may inquire about your whereabouts if they have legitimate reasons but must respect privacy laws. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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Someone is trying to evict me from my mobile home that I have the bill of sale for and that is signed by me and the person bringing on the eviction. They have called me names, had the police go to my neighbors house with eviction papers
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To provide you with accurate information, could you please let me know the state you reside in as eviction laws vary by location?
Wisconsin, burnett county
Hello ****,
In Wisconsin, a few key points about eviction are:
- A notice must be provided, specifying the reason for eviction
- If notice is given improperly, the eviction may be invalid
- In some cases, you can stop the eviction by correcting the issue
You should consult with a local attorney for precise advice.
What about the police going to my neighbors to ask my whereabouts
Hello ****,
In Wisconsin, law enforcement officers may conduct inquiries if they have legitimate reasons. However, they should respect privacy laws. It's best to consult with a local attorney to understand the implications fully.