Eviction And Contract Dispute


If you are facing eviction and contract termination issues, its crucial to understand your rights. In Minnesota, a contract for deed can be canceled if the buyer breaches the contract, but the seller must provide a notice of cancellation and the buyer has a right to cure the default. Removing a name from a title without court approval or the owners consent is generally not lawful. If you believe your rights were violated, you may have grounds for legal action. Consult a local real estate attorney for advice. Additionally, emotional distress caused by the situation may also be a factor to consider. Reach out to legal aid organizations in Minnesota for immediate assistance.

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Carver county Minnesota
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. Here are some Minnesota laws you should know:
- A contract for deed can be cancelled if the buyer breaches the contract.
- The seller must provide a notice of cancellation.
- The buyer has a right to cure the default.
- The seller cannot remove your name from the title without court approval.
You should consult a local attorney for individualized advice.
The judge never gave him approval the judge said in all his career he has never kicked out a home owner and after that case while awaiting another trial day he removed me without anyone knowing
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. If the judge didn't give approval for the eviction, it might be in violation of your rights. Consider reaching out to a local attorney or the Carver County District Court.
Not the eviction the name on title without court approval or mine
I understand your concern. Removing a name from a title without court approval or the owner's consent is generally not lawful. I suggest you consult with a local real estate attorney or contact the Carver County District Court for guidance.
Can I use him for that I lost my house
Based on your situation, it seems you might have grounds to sue for your losses if the contract was unlawfully terminated or your name was removed from the title without your consent. It's best to consult with a local real estate attorney for advice.
Unlawfully terminated. Like he didn't have the back mortgage I owed just full amount of contract full 20 years for pay *
I see. If the terms of your contract for deed were not properly followed, you may have a case. Consult a local real estate attorney to discuss potential legal remedies, including a possible lawsuit for breach of contract.
He said pay * on termination papers but that was full amount of contract not what we were behind and we were only behind because of a letter he wrote not to pay until spring after I just gave him *
I understand your confusion. If the contract stated you only owe the amount behind and not the full contract value, this could be a breach of contract. A local real estate attorney can give you advice on how to proceed.
Yes it says I could cure what I'm behind but he never gave us that option and I tried to give hime some money he said he wasn't going to take that and he stated he wanted the house back
I understand your frustration. If you were denied the opportunity to cure the default, this might be a violation of your rights under the contract. Have you considered speaking to a real estate attorney about your situation? They can provide specific advice based on your contract and local laws.
Can't find one and now I'm evicted
I'm sorry to hear this. You may want to reach out to a local legal aid organization for assistance. The "Volunteer Lawyers Network" in Minnesota may be able to help. Their phone number is (*) *-*.
Thanks. Does it sound like I can use him by the way his daughter involved in this has a tbi
I understand your concern. If you believe your rights were violated due to the contract termination and the wrongful removal of your name from the title, you may have grounds for legal action. The involvement of his daughter with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) could possibly affect the case, depending on the specifics. Consult a lawyer for advice.
She got it when he was harassing her 2 years prior to her and I meeting and served her an eviction in a coma after surgery
That sounds like a complex situation. If she was served an eviction notice while in a coma, it might not be legally valid. Have you or she consulted with a lawyer about this specific issue?
That happened 12 years ago but she said it feels the same way again now that he is doing this again
I'm sorry to hear about the distress you're facing. The past actions may establish a pattern of behavior, but their legal implications may be different. I recommend you to find a local attorney who can provide specific advice based on your situation.
Legal implications ?
Based on your situation, potential legal implications could include:
- Unlawful eviction or contract termination.
- Removal of your name from the title without consent.
- Possible emotional distress due to the repeated actions towards your partner.
It's best to consult with a local attorney to understand your options.
He also paid other bills with my money like ins and water. He also wrote checks out of his account to pay them then reimburse himself with my cash and lied and said he paid all the taxes and not us
I see. If he used your money without your consent to pay for other expenses, this could potentially be considered misappropriation of funds. Have you kept any records or proof of these transactions? Consulting with a lawyer can help you understand if you have a case for financial fraud.
There is some yes
I understand. Keeping records of these transactions can be crucial evidence if you decide to pursue legal action. It's advisable to consult a local attorney with this evidence to understand your best course of action.
I only have 5 days left to apeal
I understand the urgency of your situation. Have you begun the process of filing an appeal? If not, I recommend contacting a local attorney or the Carver County District Court for immediate assistance.
I understand your concern. Given the urgency, you should consider reaching out to the Carver County District Court immediately to start the appeal process. Have you considered this option?
It's a lot
I understand it's overwhelming. However, given the time constraint, it's crucial to act promptly. Do you need guidance on how to start the appeal process in Carver County District Court?
With moving as well
I understand that you are dealing with a lot right now. Are you asking for information on how to move while you are trying to appeal your eviction in Carver County District Court?
Yes please
I understand this is a challenging time for you. I recommend you to:
- Contact the Carver County District Court immediately to initiate your appeal.
- Consult with a local attorney if possible.
- Secure your personal belongings and start looking for a temporary place to stay.
Remember, this is general advice and consulting with a local attorney can provide you with specific guidance.
If my house is worth * what can I use her dad for roughly on a claim since he took my house under equitable esstopple and fraud
The amount you can sue for depends on several factors including the type of damages you've suffered and the specific laws in your jurisdiction. In general, you might consider:
- The value of your home.
- Any payments you've made towards the home.
- Other financial losses resulting from the situation.
Consult a local attorney to figure out the best course of action.
My girlfriends emotional stress is my top concern she is not well and feeling sick since this whole thing started and getting very bad headaches
I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend's distress. Emotional stress can potentially be included in a lawsuit for damages. However, these situations are complex and it's best to consult with a local attorney. Have you spoken to a lawyer about this aspect of your situation?
She has had a tbi and brain surgery her dad called her worthless today and told me I should dump her
That's truly unfortunate. Given her health condition, this situation could potentially be seen as emotional abuse. It's crucial to consult with a local attorney who specializes in personal injury or family law to understand the best course of action. Do you want me to find one in Carver County, Minnesota?
Can she sue for that
If your girlfriend's emotional distress is directly linked to her father's actions, she might have grounds to sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress. However, these cases can be complex. It's advisable to consult with a local attorney. Do you need help finding one in Carver County, Minnesota?
We just want our money back we paid into this whole thing plus the taxes we paid.
I understand. In a lawsuit, you might be able to claim for the money you've paid towards the house and taxes. However, these situations can be complex. Have you spoken to a local attorney about the possibility of reclaiming these costs
Her stress is definitely caused intentionally by her dad he knows he is not supposed to give her stress it could kill her she asks me several times in the past if he is trying to kill her with stress because he was told that by a doctor not to stress her out
I'm really sorry to hear about your girlfriend's situation. This seems like a case of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress which is a serious matter. Have you considered discussing this matter with a local attorney who specializes in personal injury law?
They do t answer there phones or get back to me
I'm sorry to hear about your struggle to reach a local attorney. I recommend reaching out to legal aid organizations in Minnesota such as the Volunteer Lawyers Network at (*) *-* or the Minnesota Legal Services Coalition at (*) *-* for immediate assistance.
Can she sue him for that so he knows to leave her alone
If your girlfriend is under severe emotional distress due to her father's actions, she might have grounds for a lawsuit. However, these cases can be complex and require a competent attorney. Would you like me to find contact information for legal aid organizations or law firms in Carver County, Minnesota?
Here are some legal aid organizations and law firms in Carver County, Minnesota that you may find helpful:

Volunteer Lawyers Network

Phone: (*) *-*
Website: www.vlnmn.org


Minnesota Legal Services Coalition

Phone: (*) *-*
Website: www.mnlegalservices.org


Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services

Phone: (*) *-*
Website: www.smrls.org


Carver County Law Library

Phone: (*) *-*
Website: www.mncourts.gov/Find-Courts/Carver/LawLibrary

Remember to consult a professional for personalized legal advice.
Thanks so much
You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions or need further assistance. Take care and best of luck with your situation.
This is a great peace of mind
I'm glad to hear that you found our conversation helpful. Remember, while I provide general legal information, it's always best to consult with a local attorney or legal aid service for advice tailored to your specific situation. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions in the future. Best of luck!