Tenant Rights During Showings


Landlords in Canada must provide 24 hours written notice before showing a property and can only enter between 8 AM and 8 PM. Tenants have the right to be present during showings and landlords cannot interfere with their reasonable enjoyment of the property. For more detailed guidance, consider consulting a local attorney.

Full Conversation

Are you familiar with Canadian law
Yes, ****, I can provide general legal information based on Canadian law. Could you please elaborate on the specific issue you need guidance on?
TAL regarding visits when a home is being sold, what are my rights as a tenant
As a tenant in Canada:
- Your landlord must provide * hours written notice before showing the property.
- They can only enter your home between * AM and * PM.
- You have a right to be present during the showing.
- The landlord cannot interfere with your reasonable enjoyment of the property.
Pretty vague
I apologize if my previous response was not clear. Could you please specify the area where you need more details? For example, do you want to know more about how to enforce your rights or what to do if they are violated?