Follow Up Email Guidance


You can represent yourself in court, known as pro se or pro per. Using 401K funds for legal matters can have tax implications. If you feel discriminated against, you may file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. If you believe your case was mishandled due to language barriers, you may seek assistance from the Language Access Services of California courts. This is general advice and may not fully apply to your specific situation.

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I sent this email to another party on June *, they said it will take few weeks.
Hello ****, from your message, it seems like you're waiting for a response from someone regarding a legal issue. Could you please provide more details about the nature of the matter? This will help me provide more relevant information.
I sent this email:
Hello ****, I understand you're waiting for a response. Could you clarify the content of the email you sent and the legal issue it pertains to? This information will help me provide more accurate guidance.
It was nice to meet with you today and thank you for your time. Please accept my apologies for me to be emotional, as I am not feeling well. Thank you for your understanding. I would like to represent myself and pay from my 401K funds to remove the lien from our home. We worked with KG (city attorney) and asked him - what to do in order for our case to be accepted for review by the City counselors. There has to be a quorum for them to even discuss it. KG - advised so many times that our appeal was not on a legal basis but on a moral one. KG - The City’s “injustice” by the sale of the property - is closed. We are under emotional trauma all those years and The City stated (in meeting with Shawn Mason) that the Grigorians were taken to court as an example to other BMR homeowners to not take out loans against BMR homes and get punished. APPEAL considerations: we, along with the rest of the country were affected by the downturn in the market; we could not afford an attorney and our weakened emotional and financial situation was taken advantage of. In our vulnerability we trusted Sandra (Sandy?), from the City Housing department that if we transferred the title of BMR property to the city of San Mateo - we did not have to worry. We transferred the property to the city of San Mateo in perfect condition and signed the paperwork. The City claims that an opportunity for another family for a BMR home was lost. We are residents and taxpayers - encumbered with an excessive financial burden threatening our present income and future retirement finances. Additionally - there was no disadvantage to the City as an entity, in that they benefited financially at the sale of * Wayne way property. We are also troubled that we were discriminated against and taken advantage of because we are immigrants with English as a second language and disable. This is not necessarily full or complete - but represents the points we want to make in the appeal to the City Counselors. Please see attached the email from the city of KG to settle the lien it for $*,*. Shawn Mason mentioned to pay for the legal fees that city spent on this case, and it was $*,*. Looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your assistant.
Hello ****,
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Here are some general points about your situation:
- You can represent yourself in court, known as "pro se" or "pro per."
- Using 401K funds for legal matters can have tax implications.
- If you feel discriminated against, you may file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
- If you believe your case was mishandled due to language barriers, you may seek assistance from the Language Access Services of California courts.
Remember, this is general advice and may not fully apply to your specific situation.
can I send the follow up email to get an update
Yes, you can definitely send a follow-up email to get an update on your situation. It's important to remain polite, brief, and clear in your communication. Do remember, though, that this advice is general and may not apply to your specific situation.
can you help
Sure, ****. I can help guide you on how to structure your follow-up email. You might want to politely request an update on your case, mention the date of your last correspondence, and reiterate your concerns. Remember to keep it professional and concise.
can send the an example
Sure, ****. Here's an example:
Subject: Request for Update on Case [#]
Dear [Recipient's Name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to kindly request an update on our case, referenced as [#]. Our last correspondence was on June *, where we discussed [brief summary of last discussion].
I look forward to your prompt response.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your case.