Renting Condo Parking Space


If someone renting your condo parking space in Ontario fails to pay, you can send a formal demand letter requesting payment. If they still do not pay, you may terminate the rental agreement and consider filing a claim in Small Claims Court for the unpaid rent. Towing a tenants vehicle for non-payment without following proper legal procedures could lead to legal repercussions. Proper procedures include notifying the tenant, terminating the agreement, and obtaining a court order. The termination notice period depends on your contract, but if unspecified, a reasonable notice period is often 30 days.

Full Conversation

Can I tow the persons car if they don’t pay me and are still in the parking spot
In Ontario, towing a tenant's vehicle for non-payment without following proper legal procedures could lead to legal repercussions. Instead, consider these steps:
- Send a formal demand letter.
- Terminate the rental agreement.
- File a claim in Small Claims Court for unpaid rent.
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What are the proper legal procedures to tow someone’s car in my parking spot who is not paying
In Ontario, towing someone’s car from your parking spot for non-payment involves specific legal procedures:
- **Notify the Tenant**: Provide written notice to the tenant about the payment default and demand payment.
- **Termination of Agreement**: Formally terminate the rental agreement if payment is not made.
- **Court Order**: Obtain a court order allowing the vehicle to be towed.
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How long do I have to terminate the agreement
In Ontario, the termination of a rental agreement for a parking space can depend on the terms of your specific contract. Generally, you should provide a notice period as stipulated in the agreement. If no period is specified, a reasonable notice period is typically required.
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What is considered a reasonable notice
In Ontario, a "reasonable notice" period typically depends on the terms of your rental agreement and the circumstances. If the agreement does not specify, a reasonable notice period is often considered to be 30 days.
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