Landlord Selling Without Notice


In Kentucky, landlords must provide at least a 30-day notice before ending a month-to-month lease. For fixed-term leases, landlords cannot sell the property without tenant consent unless specified in the lease. Tenants have the right to remain in the property until the lease term ends, even if the property is sold. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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My landlord is selling my home without giving me a written notice
Hello ****, I understand your situation. Could you please tell me where you're located so I can provide the most accurate information?
Princeton kentucky
Hello ****, in Kentucky:
- A landlord must give at least a *-day notice before ending a month-to-month lease.
- If there's a fixed-term lease, the landlord can't sell the property without your consent unless stated otherwise in the lease.
Please consult with a local attorney for further advice.
Im not being evicted he is just selling the home i rent in 4 days. What can i do about this legally
Hello ****, in Kentucky, your rights as a tenant include:
- Receiving notice before your landlord can sell the property.
- Remaining in the property until the end of your lease term, even if the property is sold.
Please contact a local attorney for further advice.