Negotiating Property Lien Effectively


If you are on permanent disability and need to negotiate a property lien, start by understanding the lien type and contacting the lien holder. Offer a payment plan or reduced amount and get any agreement in writing. If you feel discriminated against, consider filing a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. Use a doctors note to support your case, and consult a civil rights attorney if needed.

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I am on permanent disability and afraid to lose my house, that the lien was placed on my house 14 years ago. How to start negotiating with other party?
Hello ****, in California:
- Recognize that the lien holder has a legal claim on your property.
- Consult a lawyer to review the lien and your legal options.
- The lawyer can help negotiate with the lien holder, possibly reducing the amount or setting up a payment plan.
- If needed, consider bankruptcy as a last resort. It could remove the lien.
I would like to negotiate myself.
Sure, ****. Here are some steps to negotiate a lien yourself:
- Understand the nature of the lien (whether it's a tax lien, mechanic's lien, etc.)
- Contact the lien holder and express your intent to negotiate.
- Offer a payment plan or a reduced amount.
- Get any agreement in writing.
- If needed, seek advice from a lawyer.
I already contacted the lien holder and express my concern that I felt it was discrimination and would like to negotiate the lien. They came back to me with main concern of my discrimination complain saying that they do not believe I was discriminated. And did not say anything about the judgment lien.
That's quite a situation, ****. If you feel discriminated against, you may want to consider filing a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. For the lien negotiation, reiterate your intent to negotiate and stay focused on that topic.
I am on perment disability it is effecting my health seriously, my doctor is very concerned.
Hello ****, I understand your situation. It's important to focus on the lien issue with the lien holder. If you believe you were discriminated against, you could file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. Regarding the lien, if they did not respond, try to follow up emphasizing your intent to negotiate.
I have no energy and health anymore to file complaints, my main concern is judgment lien that needs to be removed. Also, lien holder did so many things in past that was illegal. For example when they file the motion for summary of judgment we replied on on time, and when to scheduled time court date. After waiting more than * hour, I find out from the judge that hearing completed and we lost. Without us...
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, ****. It seems like you're dealing with some challenging legal issues. Can you share more details about the illegal activities the lien holder committed? This could be vital in your case.
Discrimation because of I am women of color and ancient, taking advance that we did not have attorney its a Lott...
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. You may want to consult with a civil rights attorney or a legal aid organization. They can help you address both the lien and the discrimination issues. Remember, you have rights and there are resources to help you.
you said Regarding the lien, if they did not respond, try to follow up emphasizing your intent to negotiate.can you help me with the email please
Subject: Urgent: Re-Negotiation of Outstanding Lien on Property
Dear [Lien Holder],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to re-emphasize my intent to negotiate the lien placed on my property.
Despite my health conditions and personal challenges, I am committed to resolving this matter amicably. I kindly request a constructive discussion to reach a mutually agreeable payment plan or a possible reduction in the lien amount.
I look forward to your prompt response.
Best Regards,
My doctor also has a big concern about my health, and he want to help me. What can be done?
Your doctor's concern about your health can be used to support your case. Ask your doctor to write a letter detailing how this situation is affecting your health. This could be used during your negotiations or any potential legal proceedings to show the impact of the lien on your wellbeing.
Can my doctor contact the lien holder?
In general, your doctor could contact the lien holder, but it's usually more effective if you provide a letter from your doctor detailing the impact on your health. This letter can be used in your negotiations or legal proceedings. Remember, your doctor should not disclose specifics about your health condition without your consent due to privacy laws.
oh I see. How I can add the doctor note in the email to the lien holder
You can attach the doctor's note to your email as a PDF or scanned image. Be sure to mention in the body of your email that you've attached a letter from your doctor highlighting the impact the lien is having on your health.
can you help me with the email?
Subject: Urgent: Re-Negotiation of Outstanding Lien on Property
Dear [Lien Holder],
I hope this message finds you well. As previously discussed, I am keen on negotiating the lien placed on my property. Attached is a letter from my doctor outlining the impact this situation is having on my health.
I believe this information is relevant to our discussions and request that you consider it in our negotiation. I look forward to a constructive conversation to reach a mutually agreeable resolution to this matter.
Best Regards,
thank you very much
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your negotiations.