Tenant Notification Clause Update

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add clause ther text message equals to written notification
Certainly! Below is the revised clause to include that text messages are considered written notifications:
**Bounced Check Clause:**
The Tenant agrees to be solely responsible for any and all charges, fees, or penalties imposed by banking institutions due to unfunded checks or insufficient funds. These charges shall be reimbursed to the Landlord within [specified time frame, e.g., 10 days] of written notification. For the purposes of this clause, text messages shall be considered written notifications.
If you need further assistance or have other questions, feel free to ask!
Lease, add more legal weight into "Text messages shall be considered written notifications. "
Certainly! Below is the revised clause with additional legal weight given to text messages being considered written notifications:
**Bounced Check Clause:**
The Tenant agrees to be solely responsible for any and all charges, fees, or penalties imposed by banking institutions due to unfunded checks or insufficient funds. These charges shall be reimbursed to the Landlord within [specified time frame, e.g., 10 days] of written notification. For the purposes of this clause, text messages sent to the Tenant's registered phone number shall be deemed legally sufficient and binding as written notifications under New York state law.
If you need further assistance or have other questions, feel free to ask!
does this clause :Text messages sent to the phone number provided by Tenant and Landlord shall be deemed legally sufficient and binding as written notifications under New York state law. " has any weigh under NY rental law?
Under New York rental law, the enforceability of a clause stating that text messages are legally sufficient as written notifications can depend on several factors:
- **Mutual Agreement:** Both parties must agree to this clause in the lease.
- **Specificity:** The clause should clearly define what constitutes a text message and how it will be used as notification.
- **Compliance with State Law:** Ensure it doesn't conflict with state or local laws regarding written notifications.
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Would you like more detailed information on how to ensure such a clause is enforceable?
pls add specifficty to clauses in the lease : Text messages sent to the phone number provided by Tenant and Landlord shall be deemed legally sufficient and binding as written notifications under New York state law. "
Certainly! Below is a refined clause with added specificity:
**Notification Clause:**
Text messages sent to the phone number provided by the Tenant and Landlord shall be deemed legally sufficient and binding as written notifications under New York state law. For the purposes of this clause, a text message is defined as an SMS or MMS sent directly to the registered phone number on file for each party.
If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!
is not tis obvious?
It seems the dialogue you've shared contains a series of questions and answers related to creating specific clauses for a lease agreement. It is important to ensure that the clauses are clear, legally sound, and enforceable under New York rental law. If you have a particular concern or need further clarification on a specific point, please let me know!
Is there a specific legal issue or question you need assistance with regarding your lease agreement?
do I need to define what is text message in a lease?
To better assist you, could you clarify if your concern is about whether defining "text message" in a lease agreement is necessary for legal clarity and enforceability under New York state law?
say rent is late, can I notify tenent by text message rather then certified mail?
Under New York state law, notification requirements for late rent can depend on the terms of the lease and local regulations:
- **Lease Terms:** If your lease specifies that text messages are an acceptable form of written notification, then you can notify the tenant via text.
- **Local Laws:** Ensure that this method complies with any local housing regulations or court requirements.
Would you like more detailed information on local laws or court requirements?
is it possible to shorten this clause :The parties hereby agree that this document contains the entire agreement between the parties and this Agreement shall not be modified, changed, altered or amended in any way except through a written amendment signed by all of the parties hereto. Any notice required or permitted under this Lease or under state law shall be deemed sufficiently given or served if sent by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:"
Certainly! Here's a shortened version of your clause:
**Entire Agreement and Amendments Clause:**
This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any modifications must be in writing and signed by all parties. Notices shall be deemed given if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses:
If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask!
can this be reduced: Tenant shall not record this Agreement on the Public Records of any public office. In the event that Tenant shall record this Agreement, this Agreement shall, at Landlord's option, terminate immediately and Landlord shall be entitled to all rights and remedies that it has at law or in equity. This Agreement shall be governed, construed and interpreted by, through and under the Laws of the State of New York. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof shall, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, neither the remainder of this Agreement nor the application of the provision to other persons, entities or circumstances shall be affected thereby, but instead shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law. The covenants, obligations and conditions herein contained shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of the parties hereto. The descriptive headings used herein are for convenience of reference only and they are not intended to have any effect whatsoever in determining the rights or obligations of the Landlord or Tenant. "
Certainly! Here's a shortened version of your clause:
**Recording and Governing Law Clause:**
Tenant shall not record this Agreement. If recorded, it terminates immediately at Landlord's option. Governed by New York law. If any provision is invalid, the rest remains enforceable. Covenants bind heirs and assigns. Headings are for convenience only.
If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask!
what does record this agreement means?
"Record this Agreement" means to officially file or register the lease agreement with a public office, such as a county recorder's office, making it part of the public record. This action provides public notice of the agreement's existence and terms.
Would you like more information on the implications of recording a lease agreement in New York?
can this be added in "Tenant shall not record this Agreement. If recorded, it terminates immediately at Landlord's option. Governed by New York law. If any provision is invalid, the rest remains enforceable. Covenants bind heirs and assigns. Headings are for convenience only."
Certainly! Below is the revised clause with the addition you requested:
**Recording and Governing Law Clause:**
Tenant shall not record this Agreement. If recorded, it terminates immediately at Landlord's option. Governed by New York law. If any provision is invalid, the rest remains enforceable. Covenants bind heirs and assigns. Headings are for convenience only. Tenant is responsible for any charges due to unfunded checks imposed by banking institutions.
If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask!
add that checnges to phone shall be provided in a timley manner "Text messages sent to the phone number provided by Tenant and Landlord shall be deemed legally sufficient and binding as written notifications under New York state law. "
Certainly! Below is the updated clause with the addition regarding timely changes to phone numbers:
**Notification Clause:**
Text messages sent to the phone number provided by the Tenant and Landlord shall be deemed legally sufficient and binding as written notifications under New York state law. Any changes to the registered phone numbers must be provided in a timely manner.
If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to ask!