Rental Company Disposed Belongings


If a rental company disposes of your belongings, you can file a claim for conversion in Ohio. Document all interactions and evidence. Consider small claims court for compensation. Gather receipts, witness statements, and photos to support your case. Familiarize yourself with court procedures and prepare a concise statement. Contact Butler County Area I Court for more details.

Full Conversation

Middletown, OH
Thank you for sharing the details. Here's some general legal information:
- In Ohio, you may file a claim for conversion, which is the wrongful possession or disposal of someone else's property.
- You might also consider a small claims court for the value of your belongings.

Butler County Area I Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * High Street, Hamilton, OH *

Have you considered talking to a local attorney for a detailed consultation?
No I really don’t have the money for that
Understood. Here are some steps you might consider:
*. **File a Claim for Conversion:**
- Conversion in Ohio involves wrongful possession or disposal of someone else's property.
- Document all your interactions and attempts to retrieve your belongings.
*. **Small Claims Court:**
- You can file a claim for the value of your lost items.
- No attorney is required, making it a more affordable option.
~Butler County Area I Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * High Street, Hamilton, OH *

Would you like more information on filing a small claims case?
Yes please and when you say file a claim for conversion do I contact the police is that a criminal charge or a civil charge
Filing a claim for conversion is a civil matter, not a criminal charge. Here are some steps to follow:
*. **File a Claim for Conversion:**
- Document all interactions and attempts to retrieve your belongings.
- Prepare to present evidence in court.
*. **Small Claims Court:**
- File your claim in the Butler County Area I Court.
Would you like instructions on how to file a small claims case?
Here are the steps to file a small claims case in Ohio:
*. **Gather Evidence:**
- Collect all relevant documents, receipts, and correspondence related to your belongings and attempts to retrieve them.
*. **Complete the Small Claims Complaint Form:**
- Obtain the form from the Butler County Area I Court or their website.
- Fill out the form with details of the claim and the value of your lost items.
*. **File the Complaint:**
- Submit the completed form to the Butler County Area I Court.
- Pay the filing fee (check the court's website for the fee amount).
*. **Serve the Defendant:**
- Ensure the rental company receives a copy of the complaint. The court can assist with this process.
*. **Attend the Hearing:**
- Present your case and evidence at the scheduled court date.
~Butler County Area I Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * High Street, Hamilton, OH *

Would you like more information on what to prepare for the court hearing?
Okay and can I prove what belonging was in the vehicle with no proof since they threw it away and they didn’t take invt
Here are some suggestions to prove what belongings were in the vehicle:
*. **Witness Statements:**
- Get statements from anyone who saw the items in the vehicle.

*. **Receipts and Purchase Records:**
- Provide receipts or records of purchase for the items.
*. **Photographs:**
- Any photos showing the items in the vehicle or in your possession.
*. **Correspondence:**
- Show emails or messages discussing the items with the rental company or others.
Would you like more tips on preparing for the court hearing?
Here are additional tips for preparing for your court hearing:
*. **Organize Your Evidence:**
- Arrange your documents, receipts, photos, and witness statements in a clear and logical order.
*. **Prepare a Timeline:**
- Create a timeline of events from when you rented the car to the disposal of your belongings.
*. **Practice Your Statement:**
- Write and practice a concise statement summarizing your case and the evidence you have.
*. **Understand Court Procedures:**
- Familiarize yourself with the small claims court process by visiting the court's website or contacting them.
Would you like more information on what to expect during the court hearing?
Here’s some information on what to expect during your small claims court hearing:
*. **Check-In:**
- Arrive early and check in with the court clerk.
*. **Opening Statements:**
- Both parties will give brief opening statements summarizing their case.
*. **Present Evidence:**
- Present your organized evidence, including documents, receipts, and witness statements.
*. **Witness Testimony:**
- If you have witnesses, they will testify and be cross-examined.
*. **Closing Statements:**
- Both parties will give closing statements summarizing their arguments.
*. **Judgment:**
- The judge will make a decision, which may be announced immediately or later.
Would you like more information on any specific part of this process?