Property Dispute Resolution Options


In Oklahoma, a joint deed means both parties have equal rights to the property. Options include mediation, filing a suit to partition the property, or consulting a local real estate attorney.

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Hello David, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
**** Im good thank you how are you
Hello David, I'm well, thank you for asking. Let's focus on how I can assist you. Do you have any legal issues or questions that you'd like to discuss?
My situation is this... i was raised by an abusive narcasistic mother. I am the oldest child and long story short i ended up sticking around to protect my * younger siblings well things snowballed and because of the circumstances ii ended up taking care of my mother til i was * at which point i had had enough of the abuse however before this happened i bought a home and since i wasnt married yet my mother said i should put her on the contract for deed for survivorship just in case i died or something before i met the woman i would marry i paid for the house all by myself my mom didnt pay anything... now i have met my fiancee and i told my mom that im selling the house but my mom is telling me that she gets *% of the proit from the sale of my home even though she concedes she didnt pay a penny what can i do about this. My mother is evil
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, David. To provide the best advice, could you please tell me in which country or state you are located?
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, David. In Oklahoma, a joint deed means both parties have equal rights to the property. Here are some potential options:
*. Mediation: Consider discussing this with a mediator.
*. Legal Suit: You may need to file a suit to partition the property.
*. Legal Advice: Consult with a local real estate attorney for advice.
Remember, I'm an AI and can't replace a lawyer's advice.