Home Sale Trr Clarification

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Regarding a TRR in the sell of our home, why am I beung asked to sign if the buyers are not requesting any repairs?
Hello ****,
In a home sale, a TRR (Treaty of Real Estate Repair) often needs to be signed by both parties, even if no repairs are requested. It's a confirmation that no repairs are needed.
Can you please share your location so I can provide more accurate information?
Hello ****, in Oklahoma:
- TRR is typically signed by both parties regardless of repairs.
- It confirms the property's condition.
- It helps avoid potential disputes after the sale.
This is a general practice but consult your realtor or attorney for specifics.
Also regarding this sale during divorce can an addendum be drawn up to which one seller is responsible to pay for repairs, inspection resulted needs or realtor fees?
Hello ****, in Oklahoma, an addendum can indeed be drawn up during the sale process. This addendum can state that one party is solely responsible for certain costs, such as repairs or realtor fees. However, both parties must agree and sign.
Can a medical POA for one of the sellers sign the sale TRR and closing signing requirements
Hello ****, in Oklahoma:
- A medical Power of Attorney (POA) typically only covers healthcare decisions.
- For property matters, a durable or general POA is usually needed.
- The specific terms of the POA determine what it covers.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.
Thank you, I will make that call
You're welcome, ****. If you need any further information in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Good luck with your call and your property sale.