Life Right Agreement Guidance


A Life Right Agreement provides the right to occupy a property for life but may not protect it from SARS seizure due to unpaid taxes. In Kimberley, Northern Cape, you can find conveyancers through the Law Society of the Northern Provinces. If affordability is an issue, consider Legal Aid, pro bono services, or law school clinics. Consult a legal professional for specific advice.

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I have life right agreement and addendum I need a conveyancer to draft to register at the deeds office
Hello Marildia, I understand you need a conveyancer for your life right agreement and addendum. Could you please tell me your location so I can provide information relevant to your area?
Kimberley northern cape
Hello Marildia, in Kimberley Northern Cape, you can find a conveyancer through the Law Society of the Northern Provinces. They have a directory of lawyers including conveyancers. However, it's important to note that only attorneys can act as conveyancers, so ensure they're registered with the Law Society.
But I cannot afford conveyancer
Hello Marildia, I understand affordability is a concern. You might consider:
- Seeking assistance from a Legal Aid office
- Exploring pro bono services
- Checking with local law schools for clinics offering free/low-cost legal services
Please research which option suits you best.
My question is will life right agreement and addendum help me to keep my property from being seize by SARS
Hello Marildia,
A Life Right Agreement generally provides you with the right to occupy a property for your lifetime. However, it may not necessarily protect your property from being seized by SARS, especially if there are unpaid taxes. It's recommended to consult a legal professional to understand the specifics.