Probate Fiduciary Account Guidance


To complete fiduciary account paperwork for probate in Ohio, list all assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. Attach supporting documents like receipts and bank statements. Document beneficiary payments and reimbursements clearly. Report and record any unauthorized transactions, providing evidence such as bank statements.

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I am trying to fill out the fiduciary account paperwork
Hello Addy,
I can provide some general guidance on filling out fiduciary account paperwork for probate in Ohio. Here are some key points to consider:
- **Identify Assets and Liabilities**: List all assets and liabilities of the estate.
- **Income and Disbursements**: Record all income the estate receives and expenses paid out.
- **Supporting Documents**: Attach receipts and documents supporting the transactions.
Is there a specific part of the fiduciary account paperwork you’re finding challenging?
How do I show that a beneficiary already received some money?
Hello Addy,
To show that a beneficiary has already received some money in the fiduciary account paperwork, you can:
- **Provide Receipts**: Attach copies of receipts or cancelled checks that show the payment was made to the beneficiary.
- **Detail in Disbursements**: Clearly list the disbursement under the disbursements section, including the date, amount, and beneficiary's name.
- **Obtain Acknowledgment**: If possible, get a signed acknowledgment from the beneficiary confirming receipt of the funds.
Is there a particular section of the fiduciary account form you need help with?
if a beneficiary paid off a debt. How do I show that to get the money back to the beneficiary?
Hello Addy,
To show that a beneficiary paid off a debt and is entitled to reimbursement in the fiduciary account paperwork, you can:
- **Provide Proof of Payment**: Attach receipts, cancelled checks, or statements showing the debt payment by the beneficiary.
- **Record as Expense**: List the payment under the estate's expenses, specifying it was paid by the beneficiary.
- **Reimbursement Entry**: Document the reimbursement to the beneficiary in the disbursements section, indicating it’s repayment for the debt covered.
Is there a specific part of this process you need further clarification on?
do I have to show each and every transaction in the estates checking account?
Hello Addy,
Yes, you generally need to show each transaction in the estate's checking account when completing fiduciary account paperwork. This ensures transparency and accuracy in the administration of the estate.
Would you like guidance on how to organize these transactions for the paperwork?
When someone else got into the checking account they withdrew a lot of money and had a lot of return debt. How do I show that?
Hello Addy,
To address unauthorized withdrawals and debts in the estate's checking account, you should:
- **Report Unauthorized Transactions**: Report the unauthorized transactions to the bank immediately.
- **Include in Records**: Record these unauthorized transactions in the fiduciary account paperwork.
- **Provide Evidence**: Attach bank statements and any correspondence with the bank regarding the unauthorized activity.
Would you like more information on how to present this in your fiduciary account paperwork?