Voter Registration Privacy Violation


Unauthorized voter registration and data sharing may violate Connecticut privacy laws. Contact the DMV and Secretary of State to correct errors and file complaints.

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consider the following: "To the Responsible Parties: I am writing to inform you of potential violations pursuant, but ****t limited, to *) my right to decline to register to vote, and *) the disclosure and dissemination of my personal information without consent. On October 6th, *, I renewed my driver’s license online. While completing this renewal form, I was prompted with the question “Would you like to register to vote?”. I selected “No, I do ****t want to register to vote”. I was registered to vote on October 7th, *, despite my clear declination (i.e., opt-out). Attached to this form of correspondence are two PDFs. The first attachment, “DMV License Renewal Form”, is a receipt obtained from The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (“DMV”) confirming the successful renewal of my driver’s license on October 6th, *. This receipt confirms my declination selection to register to vote. The second attachment, “Voter Information Inquiry”, is a document obtained from Westport’s Registrar of Voters office. This document confirms my driver’s license renewal from the DMV was used to register me to vote. I find these events highly offensive and request your office to investigate this incident. Please confirm receipt of this correspondence within 15 days. Respectfully, "
Thank you for sharing the detailed situation. Given your concerns, here are some general steps you might consider:
- **Privacy Violation**: Pennsylvania has laws protecting personal information. Unauthorized data sharing may be a violation.
- **Voter Registration Error**: You can contact the Pennsylvania Department of State or your local voter registration office to correct this.
- **Formal Complaint**: Consider filing a formal complaint with the Pennsylvania DMV and relevant election authorities.
Would you like more specific contact information or guidance on filing a complaint?
this is in connecticut
Thank you for clarifying that you're in Connecticut. Here are some steps you might consider:
- **Privacy Violation**: Connecticut has laws protecting personal information. Unauthorized data sharing may be a violation.
- **Voter Registration Error**: Contact the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and the Secretary of the State to correct this.
Would you like specific contact information for these offices or guidance on how to file a complaint?
~Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * State Street, Wethersfield, CT *
~Connecticut Secretary of the State
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT *
Would you like more detailed guidance on filing a complaint or any other specific assistance?