Bike Accident Legal Guidance


For a bike accident with personal injury, property damage, and lost wages, file in the Law Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Choose Motor Vehicle as the case type. Deciding on a jury trial requires strategic consideration. Consult a legal professional for tailored advice.

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i was riding my bike and got crashed into. according to police report other side is *% at fault. his insurance covered my health expenses, but property damage. i will claim $*,*. i would like to take the insurance company to circuit court of cook county. i need help which court to choose based on my claim for porperty and missed wages due to a traffic accident.
Hi Doruk, based on your claim amount, you should take your case to the Law Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County. They handle civil suits with claims exceeding $*,*. Remember to prepare all necessary documents, including the police report and evidence of your damages and lost wages.
what is the case category?
Your case likely falls under 'Personal Injury' if you're claiming for physical injuries and 'Property Damage' for your bike's damages. Both categories also cover 'Lost Wages'. These are typically the categories used in similar situations in the Circuit Court of Cook County.
what is the case type
Your case type would likely be a 'Civil Case' as you're seeking compensation for personal injury, property damages, and lost wages from a traffic accident. Please consult with a legal professional for specific advice.
that is not one of the options. there are motor vehicle and other personal injury are some of the available options
Based on the options you provided, your case type could be categorized under 'Motor Vehicle' as the accident involved a motor vehicle and resulted in personal injury, property damage, and lost wages.
should i demand jury or not?
Deciding whether to demand a jury is a strategic decision that depends on several factors. Consider the complexity of your case, the potential biases of the jury, and the expenses involved. Consulting with a legal professional is advised before making such a decision.