Tree Cutting Injury Liability


Under Philippine law, you may be liable if negligence is proven. Shared liability could apply if her negligence contributed. Gather evidence, witness statements, and consider expert testimony to prove your stance. Intent to harm can reduce liability. Seek help from the Public Attorney’s Office or Integrated Bar of the Philippines for free legal assistance.

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In our farm
I understand your predicament. However, I would need more specific information. Could you please tell me the city or state where your farm is located to provide accurate legal information?
Under Philippine law, you may be liable if negligence is proven. However, shared liability could be applicable:
- Civil Code Art. *: You are obliged to pay damages.
- Civil Code Art. *: If her negligence was a contributing factor, this may reduce your liability.
Please consult a local attorney for precise advice.
How can i prove my stan
To prove your stance:
- Gather evidence: Document everything related to the incident.
- Witnesses: If there were any witnesses, their statements could be crucial.
- Expert testimony: A legal professional may help establish the liability.
Consider consulting a local attorney for professional advice.
I didnt mean to hurt her
I understand you didn't mean to harm her. In legal terms this is referred to as "intent." If you didn't intend to cause harm, it could play a role in reducing your liability. However, negligence might still be a factor. Please consult a local attorney to discuss this further.
Can you help? I cant afford a lawyer
I understand your situation. In the Philippines, you could seek help from:
- Public Attorney’s Office: They provide free legal assistance to those who can't afford legal services.
- Integrated Bar of the Philippines: They have a Legal Aid program for individuals needing legal assistance.
Please contact them for further help.