Fender Bender Legal Guidance


In Delaware, personal injury claims follow comparative negligence rules, allowing recovery if youre less than 51% at fault. The statute of limitations is 2 years. Access to the plaintiffs medical records may be possible through the discovery process. Consult an attorney for specific advice.

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I got into a very small fender bender. Now I’m being sued for personal injury
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you tell me in which state this incident occurred? Laws can vary depending on location.
Thank you for providing the details, ****. In Delaware:
- Personal injury claims fall under comparative negligence rules.
- If you're less than *% at fault, you can recover damages.
- Delaware's statute of limitations for personal injury claims is 2 years.
Please seek professional legal advice for your specific case.
Can I request to see the plaintiffs medical records?
Hello ****, in general, medical records are private. However, in a personal injury case and under certain circumstances, you might be able to access them through a process called "discovery". Please consult with your attorney for more specific advice.