Hospital Record Discrepancy Actions


If a hospital in Ohio refuses to provide surgery recordings, you can request records in writing, hire a lawyer to subpoena them, or file a medical malpractice lawsuit. If the hospital is known for malpractice, report to the Ohio Medical Board, contact local law enforcement, and consider contacting local news agencies. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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The hospital who was responsible for my grandmother’s death told us via phone that they have recordings of the surgery that cause the complications and led to her death. When we went there to pick up the recordings, they claimed recordings did not exist. They refused to provide a written statement on letterhead saying the recordings did not exist. The surgery was robotic, therefore theoretically recordings should have been taken. What can be done?
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To provide the most accurate advice, could you please let me know which country or state this occurred in?
Ohio, United States
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, ****. In Ohio, you might consider:
- Requesting the records in writing.
- Hiring a lawyer to subpoena the records, if required.
- Filing a medical malpractice lawsuit if the hospital's negligence can be proven.

Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.
This hospital is know for forging records, as they are in trouble with many families for malpractice. Is there anything else that can be done?
If the hospital is known for malpractice, consider the following:
- Report to Ohio Medical Board.
- Contact local law enforcement to investigate potential forgery.
- Consider contacting local news agencies about the issue.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.