Tenant Rights In Kentucky


If both tenants sign a lease, one cannot evict the other without cause. All tenants must agree to new occupants. Violations can lead to lease termination. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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Two renters renting a house together and both sign the lease one renter decides to kick the other one out does the other one have to leave?
Hello ****, generally, if both tenants signed the lease, one cannot evict the other without cause. However, this can depend on local rental laws. Could you please specify your location for more accurate information?
Morganfield Kentucky
Hello ****, in Kentucky:
- Each tenant who signs a lease has equal rights to the property.
- One tenant cannot evict another unless they violated the lease.
- If a tenant wants to leave, they must negotiate with the landlord and other tenants.
This is general advice. For specifics, consult a local attorney.
Can one tenant move another person in until the other tenant they have to leave?
Hello ****, in Kentucky:
- All tenants on the lease must agree to any new tenants.
- If one tenant moves another person in without consent, it may be a lease violation.
- The landlord could terminate the lease due to this violation.
Again, consult a local attorney for specifics.