Tenant Rights For Pets


If your rental agreement in Kansas allows two dogs, your landlord cannot change this unilaterally. Review your agreement, discuss with your landlord, and contact a tenants rights organization or legal advisor if needed.

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i live in kansas do you got any legal advice for that
Hello! I'm here to help, but I need a bit more information. Could you please tell me what specific legal matter you're dealing with in Kansas?
so I live in Kansas my landlord gave me a rental agreement it said I could have two ****s so I got two ****s but when I went to get a application for that **** my landlord told me I could only have one now I have to get rid of one what sould i do
In Kansas, if your rental agreement specifically allows two ****s, your landlord cannot unilaterally change the terms. Consider:
- Reviewing your agreement
- Discussing this with your landlord
- Contacting a local tenant's rights organization or a legal advisor if the issue persists.
thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Remember, it's important to understand your rights as a tenant. I'm here to help!