Rent Refund For Mold


Tenants in California may break a lease without penalties if the rental unit is uninhabitable, such as having untreated mold. Specific conditions must be met, including the severity of the issue and landlord inaction. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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On December 1st I had paid rent in full for that month but ended up moving out on December 18th. Does my landlord owe me back money for the days I didn’t stay in the apartment?
Hello ****, the answer can vary depending on local laws. Could you please specify your location so I can provide accurate information?
Vacaville California
Hello ****, in California:
- A landlord is not typically required to refund rent if you leave before the end of the month.
- Exceptions can be if the lease agreement states otherwise or if the unit was rented out immediately after you left.
So the apartments actually let us break our lease without penalties due to finding a lot of mold in our ceiling that they didn’t want to treat. Would that be a special case?
Hello ****, in such a case, California law might allow a tenant to break a lease due to uninhabitable conditions. However, specific conditions must be met:
- The issue must be severe.
- The landlord is aware but hasn't taken action.
Please consult a local attorney for personalized advice.