Unfair Utility Charges Complaint


In Washington State, landlords can charge for utilities if specified in the lease, but costs must be fairly distributed. If you suspect unfair allocation, request a breakdown of charges, consult a tenant lawyer, or file a complaint with the Washington State Department of Health. Keep track of all communication attempts with your landlord and consider filing a complaint with the Washington States Attorney Generals Office if issues persist. Seek legal counsel for specific guidance.

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I live in Washington State I live in an apartment complex and all everybody is on the same water line now they're charging us for water garbage and sewer and the only thing we have a meter for is our electricity but it says in our lease that will be held responsible for the utilities I feel like I'm getting overcharged other people that live in a two-bedroom I live in a one-bedroom apartment it's only me there's other people and their water bill and everything else is cheaper than mine and they have four or five people staying with them I I don't get the amounts and I feel like I'm getting ripped off
Hello Denise, I understand your concern. In Washington State, the landlord may charge for utilities if it is specified in the lease agreement. However, they must distribute the costs fairly. If you suspect unfair allocation, you can:
- Request a breakdown of the charges.
- Consult with a tenant lawyer.
- File a complaint with Washington State Department of Health.
Please note this is general advice, and I recommend seeking legal counsel for specific guidance.
I've asked her for a breakdown of all this and all she keeps telling me is some formula that they sent to a third company the amounts don't add up when I'm getting charged for people that if they have two people they're getting charged less for garbage than I am I'm only one person it's not like I'm taking out garbage everyday and the water that's ridiculous mine's all higher like I have three four people living with me cuz I've seen the other tenants bills and the amounts are not adding up and my manager/landlord's not giving me any results you know I'm getting told the same stuff it's like the running around I don't know what to do
I understand your frustration, Denise. If you feel misled or unfairly charged, you may want to:
- Keep track of all communication attempts with your landlord.
- Consult a tenant lawyer, or
- File a complaint with Washington State's Attorney General's Office.
Remember, this advice is general and for specific guidance, seek legal counsel.
K tyvm
You're welcome, Denise. If you need more information or any other legal advice, please don't hesitate to ask. Remember, it's important to know your rights as a tenant. Good luck!