Frozen Pipes Tenant Rights


Landlords in Michigan must maintain rental properties in habitable condition, including ensuring access to running water. If a landlord fails to address issues like frozen pipes, tenants can withhold rent after providing written notice. For further assistance, tenants should consult a local attorney or Michigans Legal Aid society.

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I have a tenant issue the tenant
Hello ****, I'd be glad to help. Could you please provide more details about your issue? Also, could you let me know where you're located? The tenant laws can differ by location.
My pipes have been frozen for 4 days and he isnt getting them unthawed...the landlord is avoiding me
Hello ****, sorry to hear about your situation. In most jurisdictions, landlords are required to provide habitable conditions, which include access to running water. If you're in the U.S., the habitability laws vary by state. Could you please tell me where you are located?
Im in michigan
Hello ****, in Michigan:
- Landlords must maintain rental properties in fit condition.
- If they fail, tenants can withhold rent after giving written notice.
- Consult with a local attorney or Michigan's Legal Aid society for further advice.