Unlawful Detainer Hearing Requirements


A hearing is generally required for Unlawful Detainer cases in California. The court may issue a default judgment if the defendant doesnt respond to the summons. If youve responded but havent received a hearing date, contact the court. Consult a legal professional for personalized advice.

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Can an judgement be made on a UD case without a hearing date? I responded to a summons but have not yet received a hearing date
Hello ****, for a UD (Unlawful Detainer) case, a hearing is generally required. However, details can vary by jurisdiction. May I ask which state you are in so I can provide more specific information?
In California:
- A hearing is usually required in Unlawful Detainer cases.
- The court may issue a default judgment if the defendant doesn't respond to the summons.
- If you've responded but haven't received a hearing date, contact the court.
Remember, it's advisable to consult a legal professional for personal advice.
Ok thank you
You're welcome, ****! If you have any other questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to ask. It's important to stay informed about your legal situation.