Fur Affinity Account Termination


Account terminations on Fur Affinity can be appealed. Users can request detailed reasons for termination. Harassment may lead to legal consequences. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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My Fur Affinity Account got Terminated because of Harassing CuteVixen. We asked a Lawyer to Stop Harassing a User and all the Lawyers are coming to Fur Affinity and Fur Affinity Admins will comply with Lawyers to Stop Harassing a User.
Hello **** ****, it seems like you're dealing with a complicated issue. To provide the most appropriate legal information, could you please clarify if you're seeking advice on how to appeal your account termination, or if you're concerned about potential legal consequences?
Fur Affinity Admins
Hello **** ****, it appears you're seeking information regarding Fur Affinity account termination. In Illinois:
- You have the right to appeal your account termination
- You may request a detailed reason for the termination
- Legal consequences could arise from harassment
Please let me know if you need more specific information.
Yes Yes!
Hello **** ****, glad to know you found the information helpful. If you need more assistance or have other legal questions, feel free to ask.