Music License Usage Rights


If you downloaded music under Creative Commons 4.0, you can use it for commercial purposes with appropriate credit and indication of changes. The license is irrevocable, meaning changes to the license after download do not affect your rights. Open source licenses are generally irrevocable once granted, but always check the specific terms of the license. Documentation of the license at the time of download is crucial.

Full Conversation

So if I downloaded music that’s free for commercial use but became personal yse only after downloading, commercial use isn’t revoked right?
Hello Sean, the legal stance on this might be region-specific. Can you please provide the state you're in so that I can give you the most accurate information?
Hello Sean, in Mississippi:
- You're bound by the license active at the time of download.
- If the license changed after download, it shouldn't affect your rights.
- However, always document your downloads and licenses.
Now when I downloaded music from Kevin Macleod, there was no license that came with it, but there were rules and answered questions to using his music and is said to be under creative commons *.* there
Hello Sean,
With Creative Commons *.*:
- You can use the music for commercial purposes
- You must give appropriate credit
- If any changes were made, you must indicate so
Always keep a record of the licensing information at the time of download.
So does that apply?
Yes, Sean, the information about Creative Commons *.* applies. You can use the music you've downloaded for commercial purposes under the conditions stated, i.e., providing appropriate credit and indicating any changes made.
I mean the change thing
Hello Sean, the "change" refers to any modifications you make to the music. If you alter the music in any way, you must indicate that changes were made when you use it commercially.
No I mean if it became personal use only afterwards, if that’s even possible, I mean is it irrevocable?
Hello Sean,
- If the license was Creative Commons *.* at the time of download, it is irrevocable.
- Changes to the license after download do not affect your rights.
- However, documentation of the license at the time of download is crucial.
Are open source licenses irrevocable too?
Hello Sean,
- Open source licenses generally are irrevocable once granted.
- However, it depends on the specific terms of the license.
- Always consult the license agreement for specifics.