Protecting Non Commercial Songs


Your original songs can be for non-commercial use. To protect your work, register them with the U.S. Copyright Office and specify the non-commercial intent. Consider using traditional copyright licensing to restrict unauthorized usage.

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I live in USA. Can my original songs be non-commercial use?
Hello ****. Your original songs can be for non-commercial use, but you should:
- Register them with the U.S. Copyright Office
- Explicitly state the intended use when sharing or publishing your songs.
- Consider using Creative Commons license for non-commercial sharing.
Remember, legal protection is always recommended.
It wouldn’t be royalty free just something I’m not making money off of
Hello ****, if you're not making money off your songs, it's considered non-commercial use. However, to protect your work:
- Register your songs with U.S. Copyright Office.
- Specify the non-commercial use intention.
- Consider attaching a Creative Commons Non-Commercial license.
This increases protection against unauthorized commercial use.
I don’t want to attach a CC license because that lets everyone use my song
Understandable, ****. Without a Creative Commons license, you can still protect your songs by:
- Registering them with the U.S. Copyright Office.
- Explicitly stating their non-commercial intent.
- Using traditional copyright licensing, which restricts all unauthorized usage.