Car Insurance Dispute Resolution


If your car insurance company delayed transferring your vehicle to your chosen repair shop, you may have grounds for a bad faith claim. Document all interactions with the insurer and consult a lawyer specializing in insurance disputes. You might also consider filing a complaint with the New York State Department of Financial Services. If unsatisfied with the DFS response, legal advice is recommended.

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my car was stolen on */* and retrieved on the same day and was kept at a tow yard without my consent until */* and then released to a dealership that I wanted it to be at from the get go. i feel that the company has acted in bad faith and has not acted timely with my claims. I was charged for rentals and as of today august 6th I have not received my car back and it has been stressful
Hello ****, sorry for your ordeal. For clarification, was your car insurance or the towing company responsible for transferring your car to the dealership? Also, did you provide clear instructions about where you wanted the car to go immediately after it was found?
yes I stressed that I wanted it to go to a specific repair place. my car insurance was responsible. it was eventually towed there exactly a month from when it was stolen and retrieved
Hello ****, I understand your frustration. In New York, you have the right to choose your repair shop. If you believe your insurer acted in bad faith:
- Document all interactions with the insurer
- Consult with a lawyer specializing in insurance disputes
- You might consider filing a complaint with the New York State Department of Financial Services.
I filed a complaint with the dfs and they closed the case but I am not satisfied do you think the insurance company acted in bad faith
As a legal information provider, I can't make a judgement. However, if the insurance company didn't follow New York's laws or your policy terms, it might be seen as acting in bad faith. You may want to consult a lawyer for professional legal advice.