Helping Friend Immigrate Usa


As a minor, you cant sponsor someone for a visa. Once you turn 18, you can help by sponsoring a visa if you meet financial requirements. Marriage can expedite the process but must be genuine. Consult an immigration attorney for guidance.

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I have a question
Sure, I'd be happy to help. Could you please elaborate on your legal question?
Can I tell you my information first and then tell you my issue?
Absolutely, go ahead! It's important to get all the information to better assist you.
Ok, hi, my name is Dalaa diskawi I'm a citizen in united states and I live in Texas Garland and Im * lbs, *'* and I'm 14 years old.
Hello Dalaa, nice to meet you! It's totally fine to provide your information. Please go ahead and tell us about your legal issue.
Ok, so one day I met a dude online called madi and he lives in another country. He has always submitted and filled stuff, but failed. Recently he has asked me to help him in any way I can to get him to America, and I really want to assist and help him. How can I help him???
Hello Dalaa, it's great that you want to help your friend. However, as a minor, it's not legally possible for you to sponsor someone for a visa to the United States. It's usually done by family members or employers. You can still support your friend by providing information about visas, immigration policies and potential legal assistance.
I have a question
Sure, Dalaa. Please go ahead and ask your question.
Ok, so I know I'm a minor, but when I turn *, am I able to help him?? He's *
Once you turn *, you can potentially help him by sponsoring a visa as a friend. However, you must:
- Be a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident.
- Be able to prove you can support him at least *% above the poverty line.
- Live in the U.S. or a U.S. territory or possession.
I do live in the u.s and I'm a citizen, what do you mean by 'support him at least *% above the poverty line'?
"Support him at least *% above the poverty line" means that you must have an income sufficient to support both you and him. The U.S. government sets a poverty line, and your income must be *% above that line to ensure you can financially support him.
But he's not going to live with me I just wanna help him come to America
Even if he's not going to live with you, the U.S. government requires the sponsor to have sufficient income to support the immigrant. This is to ensure immigrants do not become public charges. It applies even for non-relative visa sponsorships.
How much do I have to have to support both of us?
The exact amount varies annually and is based on household size, but for *, to sponsor a visa for a household of two, you must have an income of at least $*,*. Please refer to the Poverty Guidelines chart of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
I don't want a household of two!!! I just want to help him come to America!!
Understandably, you're looking to help your friend, not establish a household. However, the term "household of two" refers to the immigration financial requirement. It's not about living together but about your financial capability to support him if needed in the U.S.
Oh, is *-*$ Enough?
No, Dalaa, a sponsor must meet the minimum income requirement set by the U.S. government, which is currently $*,* for a two-person household. This isn't about giving money directly to your friend; it's about showing the government you can financially support them if needed.
Oh???????? how do I get that much money?
You can consider options like gaining employment, starting a business, or pursuing higher education to increase your earning potential. However, be sure to consult with a financial advisor for personalized advice.
ok, can you give me an idea of what I can do to help him come to the u.s when I'm *?
Once you're *, you can:
- Consult with an immigration attorney for guidance
- Help him find an employer in the U.S for a work visa
- He could apply for a student visa if he plans to study here
- Support him emotionally during the process.
Ok can you give me advice on what to do to help him come to America when I'm *?
Once you're *, here's how to help your friend:
*. Consult an immigration attorney for advice.
*. Encourage him to apply for jobs in the U.S. or pursue education to obtain a work/student visa.
*. Stay informed about immigration laws and updates.
*. Provide emotional support during the process.
So when I'm * will I really be able to get him to America???
While turning * gives you more legal capabilities, it doesn't guarantee a visa for your friend. The visa process depends on various factors like his qualifications, job opportunities, or student visa applications. Moreover, your financial stability is critical if you choose to sponsor him. Be sure to consult an immigration lawyer.
Am I able to marry him does that help him get to America?
While marriage can potentially expedite the immigration process, it's a serious commitment and subject to scrutiny. U.S. immigration law requires that the marriage be bona fide, meaning it wasn't entered into solely for immigration purposes. So while possible, it's important to consider all implications.
Ohh!!! So I should be careful because marriage isn't a game?
Absolutely, Dalaa! Marriage is a significant commitment and legal contract. It's crucial to enter into it for the right reasons, and not solely for immigration purposes. U.S. immigration authorities scrutinize marriage-based visa applications thoroughly to prevent fraud.
how does marrying him help him get to America?
Marrying a U.S. citizen can potentially assist someone with immigration to the U.S. because:
*. The U.S. citizen spouse can file a Petition for Alien Relative.
*. The foreign spouse can apply for an immigrant visa.
*. Once approved, they can apply for a Green Card.
However, the marriage must be genuine, not solely for immigration purposes.
That's fine! Can we get divorced once he gets to America?
Yes, you can get divorced after he arrives in America. However:
- Divorcing soon after arrival might raise suspicion of marriage fraud.
- His green card could be revoked if immigration officials believe the marriage was not genuine.
- It's best to consult an immigration attorney for guidance.
how do I marry him if he's in another country?
To marry someone in another country, you have a few options:
- Travel to their country and get married there.
- They can travel to the U.S. and get married here.
- You can apply for a K-* Visa, also known as the Fiancé(e) Visa.
Remember, always consult with an immigration attorney for guidance.
What's the easiest fastest way to get someone to America?
The fastest way might be a non-immigrant visa (like a tourist or student visa) but these are temporary. For permanent residency, the best route depends on the individual's circumstances. Marriage to a U.S. citizen is often the fastest way to permanent residency, but it must be genuine. Consult an immigration attorney for personalized advice.
ok.. thank you!!!! Have a good day, wish me luck because I'm gonna help him when I'm * love <*
You're welcome, Dalaa! Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors. Remember to always stay informed and consider consulting with an immigration attorney when you're ready to help your friend. Good luck and take care!
Wait.. am I able to do anything atleast when I'm *-*?
As a minor, your legal abilities are limited. However, you can certainly help by:
- Learning about the U.S immigration process.
- Sharing reliable resources with your friend.
- Providing emotional support.
Remember, it's important to involve a trusted adult in these discussions.
Can I help him when I'm *?
At *, you can help by learning more about the immigration process, sharing resources, and providing emotional support. However, legal sponsorship or marriage for immigration purposes isn't possible until you're *. Always consult with a trusted adult or legal professional.
Oh alright! I'm so happy I asked you!
I'm glad I could help, Dalaa! If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, educating yourself is a great way to prepare for any legal situation. Good luck!
I have like one more question it's not any law or legal question it's just a random question
Sure, Dalaa, I'd be happy to assist you with your question. Please go ahead and ask.
So my friend Madi, he doesn't want to talk to me, how do I talk to him to tell him I want to help him??
It's essential to respect Madi's feelings and boundaries. You can send him a message explaining your concern and your wish to help. Be patient and give him space to respond. If he continues not to respond, it's important to respect his decision and give him time.
aw man.. I want him to be in America :(
I understand that you're concerned, Dalaa. It's great that you want to help Madi. Remember, the process of moving to another country can be challenging and time-consuming. Stay patient, keep learning about immigration, and continue supporting Madi emotionally. Good luck!
Thanks! Byebye♥️
You're welcome, Dalaa! If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Take care and good luck!