Temporary Work Visa Options


Your husband can apply for a B-2 tourist visa for temporary visits to the U.S. Without working. For work without sponsorship, consider independent contracting with an O-1B or H-1B visa. Consult an immigration attorney for personalized advice.

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The question I have is international. I am American and my husband is Pakistani. I don't want to permanently live in Pakistan and he doesn't want to permanently live in America. He wants to periodically visit for *-6 months at a time. Is there any way for him to obtain a work permit to be able to earn a little for the time he stays here? Could he be considered a migrant worker for this purpose? I am unable to do any kind of sponsorship
Hello ****, thank you for explaining your situation. Your husband may apply for a temporary worker visa (H-2B) if he meets certain criteria:
- He must have a job offer from a U.S. employer for temporary or seasonal non-agricultural work.
- The employer must file a petition on his behalf (Form I-*).
Please note, this is just general information and not legal advice. For a more specific answer, consider consulting with an immigration lawyer.
He would only be coming periodically to see me and our children. He has no job offer here. What do we do in that situation?
In such a case, your husband can apply for a B-* tourist visa which allows him to visit the U.S. for pleasure or medical treatment. It doesn't allow him to work but he can still stay with you for a period of time. It's always best to consult with an immigration lawyer for detailed advice.
So I understand all of that. I am looking for any possible way for him to be here on a temporary visit and be able to work without any required sponsorship from me or a company
Hello ****, it's challenging to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. He might consider:
- Independent contracting: If he has skills that he can offer as a contractor, he could explore the O-1B visa for artists or the H-1B for specialized occupations.
- Temporary Business Visitor: The B-* visa allows for certain types of work, like contract negotiation.
Please consult an immigration attorney for personalized advice.