Obtaining Social Security Number


Beneficiaries planning to live or work in the U.S. Should answer Yes to questions on the DS-260 form regarding Social Security Number issuance and information disclosure. This facilitates obtaining a Social Security Number and card, essential for employment, tax purposes, and accessing services in the U.S.

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so on the ds * Social Security Number Information one of the questions are asking the beneficiary ""Do you want the Social Security Administration to issue a Social Security number and a card? " what should he put for that he lives overseas and never had a social security
The beneficiary, if planning to live or work in the U.S, should select "Yes". This will allow them to apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) and card as part of their immigration process. It's essential for employment, tax purposes, and accessing certain services in the U.S.
there is another question that asks ""Do you authorize disclosure of information from this form to the Department of Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration, and such other U.S. Government agencies as may be required for the purposes of assigning you a social security number (SSN) and issuing you a Social Security card and do you authorize the Social Security Administration to share your SSN with the Department of Homeland Security? "
If the beneficiary plans to live or work in the U.S, they should select "Yes" to this question too. This authorization facilitates the process of assigning a Social Security Number and issuing a card. It's a common step in the immigration process for work and tax purposes.
so both those questions are yes
Yes, if the beneficiary plans to live or work in the U.S, the answers to both questions should be "Yes". This will facilitate the process of obtaining a Social Security Number and card.