Sponsoring Detained Minor Texas


Undocumented individuals in Texas generally cannot sponsor detained minors. Legal status is required. Providing false information can lead to severe penalties. Consult an immigration attorney for specific advice.

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Can a illegal person sponsor for a minor that is detained.
Hello Mayra, the ability to sponsor a detained minor can depend on various factors including, but not limited to, your location, the minor's status, and the specific circumstances. Could you please provide more details or specify your location?
Hello Mayra, in Texas:
- An undocumented person generally cannot sponsor a detained minor.
- They must have a lawful status in the U.S. to be eligible.
- The child's best interest will be considered.
Please consult with an immigration attorney for advice pertaining to your specific situation.
Can someone get in trouble if they provided false information
Yes, providing false information, particularly in legal or official matters, can lead to various consequences including perjury charges, fines, or imprisonment. This depends on the nature and context of the false information provided. It's always advisable to tell the truth.