Accessing North Carolina Court Records
In North Carolina, the clerk of court is responsible for maintaining court records under NCGS § 7A-109(a). However, not all proceedings may be recorded, and access to audio or video recordings isnt explicitly mentioned. Submitting the AOC-G-114 form is a good step to request verbatim audio court records. If the Superior Court doesnt accept the form, consult a local attorney or the NC Legal Aid for further guidance. If you face difficulties finding legal representation, consider reaching out to the North Carolina Bar Associations Lawyer Referral Service or the NC Pro Bono Resource Center for potential pro bono legal services.Full Conversation
Thank you.
It seems you're facing difficulties accessing court records. Under NCGS § 7A-*(a):
- The clerk of court is responsible for maintaining court records in North Carolina.
- Not all proceedings may be recorded.
- Access to audio or video recordings isn't explicitly mentioned.
For more clarity, consider consulting with a local attorney.
- The clerk of court is responsible for maintaining court records in North Carolina.
- Not all proceedings may be recorded.
- Access to audio or video recordings isn't explicitly mentioned.
For more clarity, consider consulting with a local attorney.
Well, there is a form available in NC Courts webpage AOC- G-* called request for verbatim audio court record I downloaded and will submit at clerk's office tomorrow. You're correct, no where is there language that clerk "shall" provide such records. Also at top page of this form is states "in the general courts of Justice District Court Division" Since mine was a special proceeding in Superior Court it may not work. Anyways it doesn't hurt to ask.
You're on the right track, Steve. Submitting the AOC-G-* form is a good step. If the Superior Court doesn't accept the form, consult a local attorney or the NC Legal Aid - they can provide further guidance.
Hey, thank you. Just want to let you know I have tried over the past 13 months to seek legal representation and have yet to obtain legal representation or counsel. I am not qualified to represent myself as I lack the experience and knowledge of a law professional. I basically have no choice. I am one of the many millions of homeowners who go through these foreclosures without an attorney, it's unfair but that is the way it is until legislators wake up to the problem of homelessness and failing economies due to rampant fraud in the three levels of governing bodies the legislative, judicial and executive. It seems these officials we the people elected into office have turned on us, betrayed the American people. The only law firms, and lawyers I could get to talk to me, would only entertain bankruptcies and loan modifications. Both services weren't an option for me and my case because mine was riddled with mortgage servicing fraud, misapplication of payments, withholding accounting information I'd requested for years after the covid pandemic. They also refused to help me despite there being federal assistance available at the time and could have helped reduce my monthly payments into something more affordable since I'd lost my business due the covid-* pandemic However in court I was deprived due process and thus subject matter jurisdiction when the plaintiff's attorney and witness lied in court that they'd offered me loss mitigation and I didn't accept it or finish the application. They fabricated false evidence as I know they flatly denied me many times, also they provided no proof of said documents nor provided return mail receipts to substantiate their claim. I objected to her as a witness as hearsay, since she didn't know me and asked the assistant clerk to record my objection. She just rolled her eyes and ignored me. This is why I need court recording to show and prove there were strong appearances of collusion, partiality, and bias/discrimination against me as pro se between assistant clerk and plaintiffs. This has been a very tough year dealing with my lack of access to any semblance of justice, and living with the sting of being eggrigously violated and taken advantage of by those who are there to protect, defend and serve the constitution. It has been a wake up call for me and has served to initiate a strong will to see justice served here at the cost of my health, finances, relationships to see this through. They violate people monday thru friday, 365 days a year business as usual depriving men women and children of their homes, hard earned assets and equity. Something need to change or our country will fall from termites eating the foundational beams from within until it collapses. So here I am after the non-judicial foreclosure mill ground me up and spit me out. I have a strong case and working to file some motion or complaint asap, as it has been nearly 6 months since my property was sold at an aution.
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, Steve. It sounds incredibly tough. Given the complexity of your case, I strongly suggest reaching out to Legal Aid of North Carolina or a similar organization. They may be able to assist with foreclosure issues and provide advice on your rights.
I have tried them twice already and both times meet their qualifications yet am sent canned letters of denial. I called and complained to their representative about this and have written a letter to the Pisgah Legal Aid manager but not sent it yet. I have copies of all my denials. It's not fair but I'm getting used to being abused so I just try harder on my own.
I'm truly sorry to hear about your struggles, Steve. It's unfortunate that you've not been able to find help through Legal Aid. You can try reaching out to the North Carolina Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service, they might be able to connect you with a pro bono attorney who specializes in foreclosure law.
I have considered this but since many of their referrals were firms I'd reached out to intially, I felt discouraged and decided it was just a waste of time. I fell after 1 year of laser focused study on the statutes and facts in my own case I'd be the best representative for my doppelgänger legal fiction that pulled me into this hellish arena. It seems it's a BIG business and many are involved from lowest to highest reaches in the branches of government. I'm not sure the end game agenda and am sure it's more than the apparent heartless greed. But thanks for your suggestion, there is no relief or advocacy for people like me. I have scoured the internet in search of some soul, some advocates for justice, anybody, but the closest thing to help received to date is by AI not my own kind.
I'm really sorry to hear about your struggles, Steve. While I can't provide personal legal advice, I can suggest you to look into North Carolina's Pro Bono Resource Center. They might be able to connect you with pro bono legal services. Stay strong, and don't give up your fight for justice.
Thank you. I will try reaching out to them and possibly the BAR tomorrow. I'm an electrical engineer turned artist and not cut out for this sort of endeavor. They took my property unconstitutionally deprived me of the benefits and protections of such said document. I wouldn't be here had the lender/servicer done their job and duties under State and Federal statutory law and rules. I've always played fair and square, paid my bills, kept my word and honored truth. Yet I have to pinch myself to see if this is real that in America this is happening to me. I would love to pass this off to a good qualified attorney. I have little hope but may try the NC Pro Bono resource center and see if I can get a chance to present me case to someone there. Thank you.
I'm really sorry for all the challenges you've been facing, Steve. Reaching out to the NC Pro Bono Resource Center is a good step. I hope you'll find an attorney who can help you navigate this situation. Don't lose hope, and continue to stand up for your rights.