Proper Subpoena Notice Requirements


In Illinois, when subpoenaing bank records in a child support case, you must serve a Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena to the opposing party at least 5 days before issuing the subpoena. The notice can be served via personal service, certified mail, or e-filing. The five-day notice period ensures fairness and compliance with Illinois Supreme Court Rule 204. You do not need to list every specific document in the notice but should provide a general description. After the five-day period, you can get the subpoena stamped by the Circuit Clerk and serve it to the bank immediately. Ensure to include a certificate of service in your notice and e-file it if required.

Full Conversation

Certainly! Here are the steps for serving the Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena in Illinois:
- **Personal Service:** Deliver the notice directly to the opposing party or their attorney.
- **Certified Mail:** Send the notice via certified mail with a return receipt requested.
- **E-File:** In some cases, you can file the notice electronically through the court's e-filing system.
Would you like information on the e-filing process?
Why does the notice need to be five days prior to serving the subpoena on the bank?
The five-day notice requirement serves several purposes:
- **Fairness:** Ensures the opposing party has adequate time to object or prepare for the subpoena.
- **Compliance:** Aligns with Illinois Supreme Court Rule * for procedural fairness.
- **Transparency:** Provides an opportunity for the opposing party to raise any privacy or relevance concerns.
Is there anything else you need clarification on?
The judge did not tell me anything about giving them 5 days.
I understand your concern. Even if the judge didn't mention the *-day notice, Illinois Supreme Court Rule * requires it. This rule ensures procedural fairness and gives the opposing party time to object or prepare. Would you like more information on Rule * or how to proceed?
How do I draft that proper notice? How it's supposed to look?
Certainly! Below is a simple template for drafting a "Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena" in Illinois for a child support case in Cook County:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Opposing Party’s Name]**
**[Opposing Party’s Attorney’s Name, if applicable]**
**[Opposing Party’s Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**Re:** Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Court:** [Name of the Court, e.g., Cook County Circuit Court]
Dear [Opposing Party’s Name/Attorney’s Name],
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after [Date, at least 5 days from today], I intend to issue a subpoena to [Bank Name] to produce records related to [specific information you are seeking, e.g., account statements, transaction history] for the purpose of obtaining evidence in the above-referenced child support case.
Should you have any objections to the issuance of this subpoena, please notify
So for example, can I draft? and serve them the notice for example, today and then send them a copy of the subpoena. Once I get it stamped.
Yes, you can draft and serve the notice today. However, you must wait at least 5 days after serving the notice before issuing the subpoena. Here’s a general process:
- **Draft Notice:** Create the "Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena."
- **Serve Notice:** Serve the notice to the opposing party.
- **Wait * Days:** Allow at least 5 days before issuing the subpoena.
- **Issue Subpoena:** Get the subpoena stamped by the court and then serve it.
Would you like a template for the subpoena as well?
Certainly! Below is a simple template for drafting a "Subpoena" in Illinois for a child support case in Cook County:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**Cook County Circuit Court**
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Subpoena to Produce Documents**
To: **[Bank Name]**
**[Bank's Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
You are hereby commanded to produce and permit inspection and copying of the following documents or objects at the place, date, and time specified below:
**Documents Required:**
- [Specific information you are seeking, e.g., account statements, transaction history]
**Date:** [Date]
**Time:** [Time]
**Location:** [Location]
Failure to comply with this subpoena may be punishable by contempt of court.
**[Your Signature]**
**[Printed Name]**
**[Your Title, if applicable]**
Would you like more details on how to serve this subpoena after getting it stamped by the court?
yes And if you can also list everything. that I have a right tour request. as this pertains to a child support case for child support payments, retroactive payments and full coverage of educational expenses
Certainly! Here’s how you can serve the subpoena after getting it stamped by the court:
Steps to Serve a Subpoena:
- **Personal Service:** Deliver the subpoena directly to the bank's custodian of records.
- **Certified Mail:** Send the subpoena via certified mail with a return receipt requested.
- **Process Server:** Hire a professional process server to deliver the subpoena.
Rights in a Child Support Case (Illinois):
- **Child Support Payments:** Right to request regular payments based on the non-custodial parent’s income.
- **Retroactive Payments:** Right to seek retroactive child support from the date of filing.
- **Educational Expenses:** Right to request full or partial coverage of educational expenses.
Would you like more information on any specific right or process?
I meant can you list everything I have a right in this situation request. from the bank which records accounts.
Certainly! In a child support case in Illinois, you have the right to request the following types of records from a bank:
- **Account Statements:** Monthly or periodic statements showing balances and transactions.
- **Transaction History:** Detailed records of deposits, withdrawals, and transfers.
- **Canceled Checks:** Copies of checks that have been cashed or deposited.
- **Deposit Records:** Documentation of cash or check deposits.
- **Loan Documents:** Information on any loans or lines of credit, including applications and repayment history.
- **Account Opening Documents:** Forms and identification used to open the account.
- **Signature Cards:** Original or copies of signature cards associated with the account.
Would you like more details on any specific type of record?
Sure! Which specific type of record would you like more details on? Here are the options again for your reference:
- Account Statements
- Transaction History
- Canceled Checks
- Deposit Records
- Loan Documents
- Account Opening Documents
- Signature Cards
I am planning to request all of this.Account/accounts opening/closing documentation. Change of address for any and all trusted accounts. Contact form or names of person/percent permitted in account/accounts. Monthly statements. Deposit tickets and offset items, withdrawal slips and types. Checks (front and back). Bank checks, certified checks, cashier’s checks, official checks, or teller’s checks. Money orders. Wire transfers in or out of account/accounts with details showing origins and destinations, account numbers, and financial institutions. Any other ACH documentation. Debit card activity and locations. Prepaid and debit cards. ATM deposits/withdrawals and locations.Any and all teller/bank employees’ notes of any kind. Notary log/logs with transactions related to the customer. Safe deposit box records, including opening/closing documents, signature cards, access record logs. Any and all online banking information, including emails or other addresses. Credit card activity related only to Naser Beganovic.
In Illinois, for a child support case, you can request the following records from the bank:
- Account opening/closing documentation
- Change of address records
- Contact forms or names of persons permitted on accounts
- Monthly statements
- Deposit tickets, withdrawal slips, and types
- Checks (front and back)
- Bank checks, certified checks, cashier’s checks, official checks, or teller’s checks
- Money orders
- Wire transfers (details of origins and destinations)
- ACH documentation
- Debit card activity and locations
- Prepaid and debit card records
- ATM deposits/withdrawals and locations
- Teller/bank employees’ notes
- Notary logs related to transactions
- Safe deposit box records, including access logs
- Online banking information, including emails
- Credit card activity
Would you like a specific template for requesting any of these records?
Certainly! Here's a template for requesting these records in your subpoena:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**Cook County Circuit Court**
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Subpoena to Produce Documents**
To: **[Bank Name]**
**[Bank's Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
You are hereby commanded to produce and permit inspection and copying of the following documents or objects at the place, date, and time specified below:
**Documents Required:**
- Account opening/closing documentation
- Change of address records
- Contact forms or names of persons permitted on accounts
- Monthly statements
- Deposit tickets, withdrawal slips, and types
- Checks (front and back)
- Bank checks, certified checks, cashier’s checks, official checks, or teller’s checks
- Money orders
- Wire transfers (details of origins and destinations)
- ACH documentation
- Debit card activity and locations
- Prepaid and debit card records
- ATM deposits/withdrawals and locations
- Teller/bank employees’ notes
- Notary logs related to transactions
So my question is, everything that I am planning on requesting it? is proper as it is. a child support case for child support payments, retroactive payments and full coverage of educational expenses.
Yes, your request seems comprehensive and appropriate for a child support case in Illinois. Here’s a quick checklist:
- Account opening/closing documentation
- Change of address records
- Contact forms or names of persons permitted on accounts
- Monthly statements
- Deposit tickets, withdrawal slips, and types
- Checks (front and back)
- Bank checks, certified checks, cashier’s checks, official checks, or teller’s checks
- Money orders
- Wire transfers (details of origins and destinations)
- ACH documentation
- Debit card activity and locations
- Prepaid and debit card records
- ATM deposits/withdrawals and locations
- Teller/bank employees’ notes
- Notary logs related to transactions
- Safe deposit box records, including access logs
- Online banking information, including emails
- Credit card activity
Would you like any further details on how to present these requests in court?
As I will also be requesting. any account or accounts held in the. respondent's name individually or jointly. with any other person or entity.
Certainly! Here’s how you can phrase your request to include individual and jointly held accounts:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**Cook County Circuit Court**
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Subpoena to Produce Documents**
To: **[Bank Name]**
**[Bank's Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
You are hereby commanded to produce and permit inspection and copying of the following documents or objects at the place, date, and time specified below:
**Documents Required:**
- Account opening/closing documentation (for accounts held individually or jointly)
- Change of address records
- Contact forms or names of persons permitted on accounts
- Monthly statements
- Deposit tickets, withdrawal slips, and types
- Checks (front and back)
- Bank checks, certified checks, cashier’s checks, official checks, or teller’s checks
- Money orders
- Wire transfers (details of origins and destinations)
- ACH documentation
- Debit card activity and locations
- Prepaid and debit card records
- ATM deposits/withdrawals and locations
- Teller/b
What else should I be requesting that I did not list?
It looks like you've covered most of the essential records. Here are a few additional types of information you might consider requesting:
- **Loan Applications and Agreements:** For any loans taken out by the respondent.
- **Credit Reports:** To understand any credit history and obligations.
- **Investment Account Records:** Including statements and transactions for any investment accounts.
- **Mortgage Documents:** Details on property owned or mortgaged.
- **Trust Documents:** If any trusts are involved, their corresponding documents.
- **Safe Deposit Box Contents:** Inventory of contents if applicable.
- **Electronic Funds Transfers:** Any digital transaction records not covered by wire transfers.
- **Foreign Account Records:** If the respondent holds accounts outside the U.S.
Would you like a template to include these additional requests?
yes Properly list. everything exactly how I should be requesting it.
Certainly! Here's a comprehensive and properly listed template for requesting all the records you mentioned, as well as some additional records:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**Cook County Circuit Court**
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Subpoena to Produce Documents**
To: **[Bank Name]**
**[Bank's Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
You are hereby commanded to produce and permit inspection and copying of the following documents or objects at the place, date, and time specified below:
**Documents Required:**
- Account opening/closing documentation (for accounts held individually or jointly)
- Change of address records
- Contact forms or names of persons permitted on accounts
- Monthly statements
- Deposit tickets, withdrawal slips, and types
- Checks (front and back)
- Bank checks, certified checks, cashier’s checks, official checks, or teller’s checks
- Money orders
- Wire transfers (details of origins and destinations)
- ACH documentation
- Debit card activity and locations
- Prepaid and debit card records
- ATM deposits/withdrawals
I meant can you list everything in order? of what I've already listed and everything you're telling me I should also be requesting.
Certainly! Here is a comprehensive list of everything you should request in your subpoena, including what you've already mentioned and the additional items I suggested:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**Cook County Circuit Court**
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Subpoena to Produce Documents**
To: **[Bank Name]**
**[Bank's Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
You are hereby commanded to produce and permit inspection and copying of the following documents or objects at the place, date, and time specified below:
**Documents Required:**
*. Account opening/closing documentation (for accounts held individually or jointly)
*. Change of address records
*. Contact forms or names of persons permitted on accounts
*. Monthly statements
*. Deposit tickets, withdrawal slips, and types
*. Checks (front and back)
*. Bank checks, certified checks, cashier’s checks, official checks, or teller’s checks
*. Money orders
*. Wire transfers (details of origins and destinations)
*. ACH documentation
*. Debit card activity and
So I also wrote this requesting this.For the period May *, *, to August *, *, any and all records, notes, electronic communications, including any electronic data transaction file reflecting, referring, and relating to account or accounts held in the name of Naser Beganovic (DOB */*/*, SSN *-*-*), individually or jointly with any person or entity, including but not limited to account/accounts opening/closing documents, including signature cards and any changes made, including power of attorney or adding or subtracting individuals from account/accounts.
Certainly! Based on your request, here is a comprehensive and properly formatted subpoena template:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**Cook County Circuit Court**
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Subpoena to Produce Documents**
To: **[Bank Name]**
**[Bank's Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
You are hereby commanded to produce and permit inspection and copying of the following documents or objects at the place, date, and time specified below:
**Documents Required for the Period May *, *, to August *, *:**
*. Account opening/closing documentation (for accounts held individually or jointly)
*. Change of address records
*. Contact forms or names of persons permitted on accounts
*. Monthly statements
*. Deposit tickets, withdrawal slips, and types
*. Checks (front and back)
*. Bank checks, certified checks, cashier’s checks, official checks, or teller’s checks
*. Money orders
*. Wire transfers (details of origins and destinations)
*. ACH documentation
Do I have to list everything I will be requesting in the subpoena. on my notice to the opposing party.
In Illinois, when providing notice to the opposing party about your intent to issue a subpoena, you generally do not need to list every specific document you will be requesting. However, you should provide a general description of the types of records you intend to subpoena. Here’s an example of how you can phrase it in your Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Opposing Party’s Name]**
**[Opposing Party’s Attorney’s Name, if applicable]**
**[Opposing Party’s Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**Re:** Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Court:** [Name of the Court, e.g., Cook County Circuit Court]
Dear [Opposing Party’s Name/Attorney’s Name],
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after [Date, at least 5 days from today], I intend to issue a subpoena to [Bank Name] to produce records related to financial accounts held by [
Do I also have to provide them with a copy of the subpoena that I intend. to get stamped by the Circuit Clerk Or can I wait and mention it in my notice that I will provide a copy after. getting it stamped.
You should not need to provide the opposing party with a copy of the subpoena before it is stamped by the Circuit Clerk. In your notice, you can mention that you will provide a copy of the subpoena after it has been stamped. Here’s an example of how to phrase it in your Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Opposing Party’s Name]**
**[Opposing Party’s Attorney’s Name, if applicable]**
**[Opposing Party’s Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**Re:** Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Court:** [Name of the Court, e.g., Cook County Circuit Court]
Dear [Opposing Party’s Name/Attorney’s Name],
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after [Date, at least 5 days from today], I intend to issue a subpoena to [Bank Name] to produce records related to financial accounts held by [Respondent's Name]. The
Can you show me that again? Because it cuts off, and I cannot see the whole thing.
Certainly! Here is the full example of how to phrase it in your Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Opposing Party’s Name]**
**[Opposing Party’s Attorney’s Name, if applicable]**
**[Opposing Party’s Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**Re:** Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Court:** [Name of the Court, e.g., Cook County Circuit Court]
Dear [Opposing Party’s Name/Attorney’s Name],
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after [Date, at least 5 days from today], I intend to issue a subpoena to [Bank Name] to produce records related to financial accounts held by [Respondent's Name]. The records requested pertain to account opening/closing documentation, change of address records, contact forms or names of persons permitted on accounts, monthly statements, deposit tickets, withdrawal slips, checks (front and back), bank checks
No, you just told me that I do not need to list what I am requesting. I wanna know, how do I properly state, or should I state, that I will be providing a copy of the subpoena once I get it Stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
Certainly! In your Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena, you can state that you will provide a copy of the subpoena once it is stamped by the Circuit Clerk. Here’s how you can phrase it:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Opposing Party’s Name]**
**[Opposing Party’s Attorney’s Name, if applicable]**
**[Opposing Party’s Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**Re:** Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Court:** [Name of the Court, e.g., Cook County Circuit Court]
Dear [Opposing Party’s Name/Attorney’s Name],
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after [Date, at least 5 days from today], I intend to issue a subpoena to [Bank Name] to produce records related to financial accounts held by [Respondent's Name].
I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
So for example, say I go to the circuit clerk and get the subpoena stamped on August * * and send the opposing party a copy of it. Do I still have to wait five days before serving it to the bank?
No, you do not have to wait another five days after getting the subpoena stamped by the Circuit Clerk and sending a copy to the opposing party. The five-day waiting period applies before issuing the subpoena. Once the five days have passed and the subpoena is stamped, you can serve it to the bank immediately.
That's what I'm asking if I send them the notice today and I get the subpoena stamped tomorrow. which is now five days
If you serve the Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena today, you must wait at least five days before issuing the subpoena. Once the five days have passed, you can get the subpoena stamped by the Circuit Clerk and serve it to the bank immediately.
Here’s a timeline for clarity:
- **Day *:** Serve Notice of Intent to the opposing party.
- **Day * or later:** Get the subpoena stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
- **Immediately after stamping:** Serve the subpoena to the bank.
Would you like further details on any part of this process?
OK you are not understanding me. I will serve them the notice today, it is. today it is August * * I will be getting the subpoena stamp by the circuit clerk tomorrow August *. *. Should I just stayed in my notice that I will be serving it? on the bank. on August *. *
I understand now. If you serve the notice today, August *, *, and get the subpoena stamped tomorrow, August *, *, you still need to wait the full *-day period before serving the subpoena to the bank. Therefore, you should state in your notice that you will be serving the subpoena on the bank on or after August *, *. Here's how you can phrase it:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Date: August *, *]**
**[Opposing Party’s Name]**
**[Opposing Party’s Attorney’s Name, if applicable]**
**[Opposing Party’s Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**Re:** Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Court:** Cook County Circuit Court
Dear [Opposing Party’s Name/Attorney’s Name],
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to [
Should I title my notice or not
Yes, you should title your notice to clearly identify its purpose. Here’s an example of how to properly title and format your Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Date: August *, *]**
**[Opposing Party’s Name]**
**[Opposing Party’s Attorney’s Name, if applicable]**
**[Opposing Party’s Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**Re:** Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena
**Case Number:** [Your Case Number]
**Court:** Cook County Circuit Court
Dear [Opposing Party’s Name/Attorney’s Name],
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to [Bank Name] to produce records related to financial accounts held by [Respondent's Name].
I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
**[Your Signature]**
**[Printed Name]**
This is my notice so far.IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT-DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION IN RE THE PARENTAGE OF: A.K, J.K, S.K., minor children, ) ) LULA KOROTKOV, ) Petitioner, Pro Se ) ) v. ) No: 2021D051242 ) NASER BEGANOVIC, ) Respondent. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE SUBPOENA Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk. TO: SENT VIA E-MAIL: Alyana Abellar * E, Diehl Road, Ste * Naperville IL *.
Your notice looks well-formatted and clear. To ensure everything is properly presented, here's a slightly refined version for clarity:
A.K, J.K, S.K., minor children
Petitioner, Pro Se
**Case No: 2021D051242**
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
Alyana Abellar
* E. Diehl Road, Ste *
Naperville, IL *
This version includes a separation of sections,
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT-DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION IN RE THE PARENTAGE OF: A.K, J.K, S.K., minor children, ) ) LULA KOROTKOV, ) Petitioner, Pro Se ) ) v. ) No: 2021D051242 ) NASER BEGANOVIC, ) Respondent. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE SUBPOENA Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk. TO: SENT VIA E-MAIL: Alyana Abellar * E. Diehl Road, Ste * Naperville, IL *
Your notice looks well-structured and clear. Here is a final review for clarity and proper formatting:
A.K, J.K, S.K., minor children
Petitioner, Pro Se
**Case No: 2021D051242**
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
Alyana Abellar
* E. Diehl Road, Ste *
Naperville, IL *
This version includes clear separation between sections and ensures
What else do I put on this notice? Do i? have to E file? this notice
Your notice is well-structured. Here’s a checklist for finalizing the notice:
Additional Information to Include:
*. **Date of Notice:** Ensure you include the date at the top.
*. **Signature:** Include your signature at the bottom.
*. **Certificate of Service:** Add a section certifying how and when you served the notice to the opposing party.
Example Certificate of Service:
I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Notice of Intent to Issue Subpoena has been served upon the following individual(s) via [method of service, e.g., email, certified mail] on [date]:
Alyana Abellar
* E. Diehl Road, Ste *
Naperville, IL *
**[Your Signature]**
**[Printed Name]**
E-Filing Requirement:
Yes, in Cook County, you generally need to e-file documents, including notices, through the court's e-filing system. Make sure to check the specific requirements on the Cook County Circuit Court’s website or contact the clerk’s office for guidance.
Would you like more information
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT-DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION IN RE THE PARENTAGE OF: A.K, J.K, S.K., minor children, ) ) LULA KOROTKOV, ) Petitioner, Pro Se ) ) v. ) No: 2021D051242 ) NASER BEGANOVIC, ) Respondent. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE SUBPOENA Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk. TO: SENT VIA E-MAIL: Alyana Abellar * E. Diehl Road, Ste * Naperville, IL * PROOF OF SERVICE I, Lula Korotkov, the Petitioner representing myself, hereby certify that I have served copies of this NOTICE and aforementioned documents to the person listed above via E-mail on */*/*, This statement serves as my Proof of Service, and I certify that the information set forth in this document is true and correct. /s/ Lula Korotkov Lula Korotkov
Your notice looks comprehensive and well-structured. Here are the final touches to ensure everything is in order:
A.K, J.K, S.K., minor children
Petitioner, Pro Se
**Case No: 2021D051242**
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
Alyana Abellar
* E. Diehl Road, Ste *
Naperville, IL *
Your message cuts off at pro and I cannot see.
I apologize for the cut-off. Here is the complete version:
A.K, J.K, S.K., minor children
Petitioner, Pro Se
**Case No: 2021D051242**
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
Alyana Abellar
* E. Diehl Road, Ste *
Naperville, IL *
I, Lula Korotkov, the
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION IN RE THE PARENTAGE OF: A.K., J.K., S.K., minor children, LULA KOROTKOV, Petitioner, Pro Se v. No: 2021D051242 NASER BEGANOVIC, Respondent. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE SUBPOENA Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk. TO: SENT VIA E-MAIL: Alyana Abellar * E. Diehl Road, Ste * Naperville, IL * PROOF OF SERVICE I, Lula Korotkov, the Petitioner representing myself, hereby certify that I have served copies of this NOTICE and aforementioned documents to the person listed above via E-mail on */*/*, This statement serves as my Proof of Service, and I certify that the information set forth in this document is true and correct. /s/ Lula Korotkov Lula Korotkov
Your notice is clear and well-structured. Here's a final review to ensure everything is in order:
A.K., J.K., S.K., minor children,
Petitioner, Pro Se
**Case No: 2021D051242**
Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule *, please take notice that on or after August *, *, I intend to issue a subpoena to Bank of America to produce all records related to financial accounts held by Naser Beganovic. I will provide you with a copy of the subpoena once it has been stamped by the Circuit Clerk.
Alyana Abellar
* E. Diehl Road, Ste *
Naperville, IL *
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