Legal Options For Minors


If youre a minor in California experiencing emotional abuse, you can report it to Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS will investigate and may offer family support services. If you feel unsafe, consider reaching out to a trusted adult or school counselor. Your safety and well-being are paramount.

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Hello im * i live in visalia California
Hello! I'm happy to help you with your legal questions. Can you please tell me more about the specific legal issue you need assistance with?
I don't want to live in my current house i get emotionally abused and i am socially isolated
I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way, but I'm unable to provide the help that you need. It's really important to talk things over with someone who can, though, such as a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life.
I don't want to live in my current house i get emotionally abused 
I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this. In California:
- As a minor, you could seek emancipation.
- You could report the abuse to Child Protective Services.
- Reach out to a trusted adult or school counselor.
Remember, you're not alone. Many organizations can help.
Last night there was a drive by right behind us and we are in the room in the back and i am sleeping towards the wall closest to where the drive by happened
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In California, you can report the incident to the local police. As a minor, you can also contact Child Protective Services for assistance with your living conditions. Remember, it's important to ensure your safety first.
So what will cps do about a drive by happening near us?
Child Protective Services (CPS) in California will:
- Investigate the safety of your environment.
- If necessary, take steps to ensure your safety, which could include removing you temporarily from the home.
- Work with law enforcement in severe cases.
Remember, your safety is their priority.
I barely found out about it today it happened last night they shot the car i believe but i could've been shot
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. Please ensure you report this incident to the local police. CPS may also be informed as they are concerned with your overall safety and well-being in your living environment.
It was at our neighbors house not ours
Even if the incident occurred at your neighbor's house, it still affects your safety. It’s important you report this to the police. You can also inform Child Protective Services about it. They will take necessary steps to ensure your safety.
Oh ok can my grandma pick me up if i were to run away or would that be considered kidnapping?
In California, it's generally not considered kidnapping if a family member, like a grandparent, provides a safe place for a minor. However, the parent or guardian may take legal actions. It's best to involve Child Protective Services or law enforcement in such scenarios.
Oh ok thank you yeah thats what she wants to provide a safe place for me to stay since i dont like it here
That's great to hear. In California, your grandma can provide you with a safe place to stay. However, it's important to involve Child Protective Services or a trusted adult to mediate. This way, you can ensure your safety and legal protection.
One of my aunts told me that if i do run away and my dad gets the police involved to tell the police why i left and why i don't like being with my dad
Your aunt is correct. If you run away and the police get involved, you should explain your situation. In California:
- The police will consider your safety first.
- You can express your concerns and reasons for leaving.
- They may involve Child Protective Services.
Remember to always prioritize your safety.
My aunt was telling me that one of my cousins friends left his house and went to stay with them the police got involved and he told him why he left the house and the police said he can stay with my aunt because he was considered old enough he was * i believe
In California, the police may take into consideration the minor's age and reason for leaving home. However, each case is different:
- The police can decide a safe place for the minor.
- Child Protective Services might get involved.
- It's essential to communicate your reasons and concerns.
Yeah the police said "he had every right to decide what he wanted because he was considered old enough"
That's correct. In California, the police often consider the age of the minor and their reasons for leaving home. However, it's always good to involve Child Protective Services or a trusted adult to ensure safety and legality.
Me and my dad got into an argument earlier and i wanted to leave i still do
I'm sorry to hear that. In California, if you're feeling unsafe:
- Reach out to Child Protective Services or a trusted adult.
- You can consider discussing with your grandma about moving in with her.
- If police get involved, explain your situation.
Always prioritize your safety.
I will my dad said hurtful stuff to me he said(sorry about the language I'm about to use) "you know what fuck you dont ask me for shit anymore you only do stuff for yourself" because i didn't want to massage his legs
I'm sorry you're experiencing this. In California, emotional abuse is considered a form of child abuse. You can:
- Report this to Child Protective Services.
- Talk to a trusted adult or school counselor.
- Discuss moving in with your grandma.
Remember, your safety and mental health are important.
I told my family and they said I'm so sorry you have to go through this i wish we can just take you but we cant we cant believe he talks to you like that his own daughter
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. Your family's support is important. In California:
- You can report the emotional abuse to Child Protective Services.
- Reach out to a trusted adult for help.
- Consider discussing with your grandma about moving in.
Always prioritize your safety and well-being.
She already said i can move in with her she has an extra room i stay in when i go to visit
That's great to hear. In California:
- Moving in with your grandma can be a safe option.
- Ensure to involve Child Protective Services or a trusted adult in this decision.
- This will help in securing your safety and legal protection.
We already have a safety plan for tomorrow just incase anything happens
That's good to have a safety plan in place. In California:
- Ensure your plan involves reporting to Child Protective Services or a trusted adult.
- If you're in immediate danger, call *.
- Keep in mind, your safety is the priority.
My family told me we aren't going to tell you to run away or encourage you because you live far away and we don't want anything bad happening to you but we are here if you need us if you need a safe place to stay
I'm glad to hear your family is supportive. In California, it's important to:
- Ensure you're safe at all times.
- Contact Child Protective Services if your living situation worsens.
- Reach out to a trusted adult or school counselor.
Remember, your safety and well-being are paramount.
My dad and his family are pretty unsupportive i tild them i wanted to be a lawyer and they said we cant see you being a lawyer and you cant be one with the way you are and you aren't going down the right road to be a lawyer
I'm sorry to hear about your challenges. In California:
- Emotional support is crucial for your aspirations.
- Reach out to school counselors or trusted adults about your career goals.
- Consider legal internships or volunteering to gain experience.
Stay strong and remember, your future is in your hands.
Ok thank you yeah i tild my grandma and my family and they were all supportive about me wanting to be a lawyer i dont considered my dads side of the family my family
I'm glad to hear you have supportive people in your life. As you pursue your dream to become a lawyer, it's important to:
- Reach out to school counselors for guidance.
- Consider joining legal clubs or student organizations.
- Explore internships and job shadowing opportunities.
Remember, every step you take brings you closer to your goal.
Thank you so much
You're welcome! Remember, your safety and well-being are important. Reach out to the right authorities if you feel unsafe. And don't forget to keep focusing on your goal of becoming a lawyer. You can do it!
What does cps do about lack of support? Will they tell my dad he needs to be more supportive?
In California, Child Protective Services (CPS) will:
- Investigate claims of emotional neglect or abuse.
- Possibly provide counseling or other support services to the family.
- They may not directly tell your dad to be more supportive, but they aim to ensure a healthy family environment.