Restraining Order Violation Concerns


If your ex-fiance interfered with your phone activation, it might be a restraining order violation. Contact the Commissioners Office with all relevant details and evidence.

Full Conversation

I'm wondering if my ex-fiance just broke the restraining order I placed on him two days ago. Earlier today, well, yesterday, I tried to activate my replacement iPhone, but after hours on the phone and numerous failed attempts, one of the reps I spoke with told me that my ex was currently at the Verizon store blocking my attempts to activate my line. He knew it was inactive and that I, an entrepreneur who has not had access to her phone in two weeks AND the mother of his child who I filed for custody for last week, need my phone. He made sure I did not activate my phone today. He somehow bypassed the fact that I changed my password and pin on our account, too, by the way. orry for the word vomit. I am shaken by this. I called my llocal non-Emergency line who told me to call my local Sherriffs department who told me to file the violation at the Commissioners Office in the morning but did not give me a definitive answer as to if this is a true violation or not. I feel it is harassment and mental abuse. He knew I was actively talking with Verizon and obviously decided to go to a Verizon store to make sure he could see what I was trying to do.
Hello, Tabatha. I'm sorry to hear about your distressing situation. To determine if this is a violation of the restraining order, it is important to know the specific terms of the order. Could you please specify what the restraining order prohibits your ex-fiance from doing?
he cannot abuse or threaten to abuse me, contact me, attempt to contact me (in person, by telephone, in writing, or by any other means) he shall not enter my residence, and he is not allowed near my daughters school or my workplace.
Tabatha, based on the terms you shared, your ex-fiance may have violated the restraining order by interfering with your phone activation.
- **Contact prohibition**: If he went to a Verizon store to block your phone activation and it resulted in indirect contact or harassment, this could be a violation.
- **Harassment**: His actions might constitute harassment or mental abuse.
You should file the violation at the Commissioner's Office as advised. Ensure you provide all the details and any evidence you have.
Would you like information on the nearest Commissioner's Office in Maryland?
Hi Tabatha,
Here is the information for the nearest Commissioner's Office in Maryland:

Maryland District Court Commissioner's Office

**Phone:** (*) *-*
**Address:** * Rowe Blvd, Annapolis, MD *
**Website:** [](

Please gather all relevant details and evidence before going. Stay safe!
please provide me with the information for the montgomery conty office

Montgomery County District Court Commissioner's Office

**Phone:** (*) *-*
**Address:** * East Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD *
**Website:** [](

Stay safe, Tabatha, and ensure you have all your documentation ready when you visit the office.