Taking Ex To Court

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I need to know if there is a way to take my ex wife to family court in Ontario without having to disclose that I have been charged with an unrelated criminal offence.
In Ontario, the general rules of court require full and frank disclosure of all facts relevant to a case. However, an unrelated criminal charge may not be relevant in family court. It's advisable to consult with a lawyer for specific advice.
How can I prove somthing isn't relevent in a court of law?
You can argue irrelevance by:
- Demonstrating that the information doesn't pertain to the issues being decided in the case.
- Showing it doesn't influence the court's decision.
However, please consult with a local attorney in Ontario for a more specific strategy.
How can I prove parental alianation?
To prove parental alienation in Ontario, you may:
- Present evidence of negative behaviors or actions by the other parent
- Demonstrate the impact on your relationship with your child
- Show attempts you've made to maintain a relationship with your child
Remember, each case is unique and this is a complex matter. Legal counsel is strongly recommended.