Child Protective Services Process


CPS investigates reports of abuse or neglect within 10 days, interviewing involved parties and assessing evidence. Severe abuse includes physical harm, sexual abuse, and failure to provide basic needs. Home inspections focus on safety and cleanliness, not personal items unless specific evidence is needed. Reports cannot be retracted once filed.

Full Conversation

I just got off the phone with cps and told them everything
I'm glad to hear you've contacted CPS - that's a crucial first step. If you feel unsafe, you can also reach out to your local police department. Remember, you have rights and there are people ready to help. Stay strong.
I made a report and they said that they will look into everything
It's great that you reached out to CPS. Now, they will investigate your report. In the meantime, consider reaching out to trusted adults or youth support organizations. If you're in immediate danger, don't hesitate to call *.
I will so what will happen now that i made the report?
After you have filed a report with CPS, they will:
- Begin an investigation within 10 days.
- Interview all parties involved.
- Make an assessment based on the evidence.
- Take necessary action, which could include providing resources or removing you from the harmful situation.
Under what circumstances will they remove me?
CPS may remove you if they find:
- Severe abuse or neglect.
- Immediate danger to your safety.
- Failure of your guardian to protect you from serious harm.
- A court order is issued based on the evidence.
Oh ok thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further guidance, feel free to ask. Remember, you're not alone and there are resources available to help you.
What is considered severe abuse or neglect?
Severe abuse or neglect typically includes:
- Physical harm causing injury or death.
- Sexual abuse or exploitation.
- Chronic emotional abuse causing serious harm.
- Failure to provide basic needs (food, medical care, shelter).
These definitions can vary, so it's important to consult with local authorities.
So when i called cps i gave them my info and my dads and my grandma's(i want to live with her and she wants me to live with her) i told them that the house i currently live in is dirty and unsanitary they have my grandma's address will they do a home inspection?
Yes, CPS usually conducts home inspections as part of their investigation. They may visit your current home and your grandmother's home to assess living conditions. They'll look for signs of neglect, safety, and suitability for a child to live.
Oh ok thank you what do they do in a home inspection do they look through people's stuff?
During a home inspection, CPS is primarily looking for safety and cleanliness. They usually do not go through personal items unless they are looking for specific evidence related to the case. Their main focus is on the living conditions and safety of the environment.
They usually do not go through personal items unless they are looking for specific evidence related to the case. What does that mean?
During a CPS home inspection, they primarily assess the safety and cleanliness of the living conditions. If they are investigating a specific claim (like drug use or possession of illegal items), they may have to inspect personal belongings. But typically, they respect personal privacy.
Oh ok thank you yeah my grandma has nothing illegal in her house
That's good to hear. CPS will consider this while conducting their investigation. If your grandma's house is safe and clean, it will likely be a positive factor in your case.
So earlier i called the merced cps because that where my grandma lives and i was asking questions and telling them why i was asking those questions and the lady sounded concerned and told me that I'm making a report while asking questions because the questions i was asking and transferred me to the report line is that a good sign for me?
The response from CPS indicates that they are taking your situation seriously. If they believe there's a risk or immediate danger, they'll act accordingly to ensure your safety. Please remain patient as they conduct their investigation.
Can you retract a cps report?
In general, once a report is made to CPS, it cannot be retracted. The information provided is used to assess potential harm and risk to a child. This process is designed to ensure child safety and cannot be reversed or cancelled.