Civil Warrant Contempt Guide


Draft a Rule to Show Cause document detailing the contemptuous behavior and proposed order. File it with the court. Attend the hearing with evidence. Consult an attorney for specific advice.

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no I’m a self rep, who’s attorney will not take action and my son has been with his father for over two months and he was supposed to return him weeks ago
I understand your situation, And. Here are general steps for a contempt action in Louisiana:
*. Draft a "Rule to Show Cause" document.
*. Describe the contemptuous behavior.
*. Include a proposed order for the judge.
*. File it with the court.
Please consult an attorney for specific advice.
What kind of rule to show cause?
The "Rule to Show Cause" is a court order requiring the opposing party to appear before the court and explain why a certain order should not be made. In your case, it should state the facts of your child custody violation and ask the court to enforce the existing order.
I’ve already filed that
Since you've already filed a "Rule to Show Cause", the next step is waiting for a hearing date. During the hearing, present all evidence of the custody violation. Do consult a different attorney if you feel your current one isn't taking necessary action.