False Wellness Check Harassment


Repeated false wellness checks and harassment can be legally addressed. Document all incidents and consult a family law attorney in South Carolina for guidance. Unauthorized tracking and surveillance are illegal. You have the right to have an attorney handle interactions with law enforcement.

Full Conversation

threatening me with the police
Hi ****, I'm here to help. Can you provide more details about why the person is threatening to call the police on you?
It is my Childs fathers girlfriend. She said if I message him one more time about our daughter she was going to send the police to do a wellness check
Hi ****, thank you for providing more details. To better assist you, could you clarify if you have a custody agreement or court order regarding communication with your child's father? This information will help determine your rights and any potential legal actions you can take.
There isn't one. He is not on her birth certificate, never seen her, and refuses to take a paternity test
Hi ****, thank you for sharing more details. In South Carolina, you may need to establish paternity to pursue child support or custody. Here are some steps you can take:
- **Establish Paternity**: You can file a paternity action in family court.
- **Seek Legal Advice**: Consider consulting a family law attorney for guidance.
Would you like information on how to start the paternity process?
My Childs fathers girlfriend told me if I messaged him about or child at all she was going to send the cops to my house to do a wellness check
Hi ****, I understand your concerns. Here are some general points to consider:
- **Establish Paternity**: File a paternity action in family court to establish your child's father's legal responsibilities.
- **Communication**: If there's no court order restricting communication, you can contact the child's father.
Would you like information on how to start the paternity process in South Carolina?
That's not helpful
Hi ****, I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. I understand your concerns about the situation. Here are a few more specific points that might help:
- **No Legal Restriction**: If there's no court order, his girlfriend cannot legally prevent you from contacting him about your child.
- **Police Involvement**: A wellness check by the police is generally done for safety concerns, not for communication issues.
Would you like more information on how to establish paternity or seek legal advice in South Carolina?
I sent him an email about her and the next day the police showed up to do a wellness check. She also sent them twice yesterday
Hi ****, I understand your concerns about the wellness checks. Here are some key points:
- **Wellness Checks**: Police conduct these to ensure someone's safety. It doesn't mean you did anything wrong.
- **Communication**: Without a court order, his girlfriend cannot legally stop you from contacting him about your child.
Would you like information on how to establish paternity or seek legal advice in South Carolina?
How many times can someone request a wellness check before it is considered harassment
Hi ****, I understand your frustration. Here are some general points about wellness checks in South Carolina:
- **Wellness Checks**: Conducted for safety reasons.
- **Harassment**: Repeated, unwarranted wellness checks could be considered harassment if they are aimed at causing distress.
Would you like information on how to address potential harassment legally?
a threat of a wellness check on my daughter if I don't do what someone says
Hi ****, I understand your concern. Here are some key points about handling threats of wellness checks in South Carolina:
- **Wellness Checks**: Typically conducted for genuine safety concerns.
- **Harassment**: Repeated threats or unwarranted wellness checks could be considered harassment.
Would you like information on how to address this potential harassment legally?
If someone has me blocked on all forms communication but does a wellness check
Hi ****, I understand the difficulty of your situation. Here are some general points about wellness checks and harassment in South Carolina:
- **Wellness Checks**: Conducted for safety concerns, not as a tool for harassment.
- **Harassment**: Repeated unwarranted wellness checks can be considered harassment.
Would you like information on how to address this legally?
Hi ****, thanks for your patience. Here are some steps to address potential harassment through wellness checks in South Carolina:
- **Document Everything**: Keep records of all wellness checks and any related communications.
- **File a Police Report**: Report repeated, unwarranted wellness checks to law enforcement.
- **Seek Legal Advice**: Consider consulting a family law attorney for guidance on legal actions.
Would you like details on how to find a family law attorney in South Carolina?
Can I let my attorney contact a detective about proving my child is safe after a wellness check that was done under false pretenses
Hi ****, I understand your concerns. Yes, you can let your attorney contact a detective about proving your child is safe. Here are some steps you can take:
- **Attorney Contact**: Your attorney can communicate with the detective to provide evidence of your child's safety.
- **Documentation**: Ensure all wellness checks and related communications are well-documented.
- **Legal Advice**: Follow your attorney's guidance on further steps.
Would you like more information on finding a family law attorney in South Carolina?
Do I have to speak to a detective?
Hi ****,
No, you are not legally required to speak to a detective without an attorney present. Here are some steps you can take:
- **Attorney Representation**: Let your attorney handle communication with the detective.
- **Know Your Rights**: You have the right to remain silent and consult with an attorney before speaking to law enforcement.
Would you like more information on how to find a family law attorney in South Carolina?
wellness checks requested under false pretenses
Hi ****, I understand your concern about wellness checks requested under false pretenses. Here are some general points to consider in South Carolina:
- **Harassment**: Continual false wellness checks can be considered harassment.
- **Documentation**: Keep records of all interactions and wellness checks.
- **Legal Advice**: Consult with a family law attorney for guidance.
Would you like more information on how to find a family law attorney in South Carolina?
If I had a private investigator come to my house and pretend to be law enforcement then actual law enforcement came after and I lied because I thought it was just another Private investigator what do I do?
Hi ****,
I understand the complexity of your situation. Here are some general points to consider:
- **Honesty**: Inform the actual law enforcement officers about the confusion regarding the private investigator.
- **Legal Representation**: Consult with an attorney to explain the situation and receive appropriate guidance.
Would you like information on finding a criminal defense attorney in South Carolina?
Can a private investigator put a listening device in your car?
Hi ****,
I understand your concern. In South Carolina, private investigators must adhere to the law regarding surveillance. Here are some key points:
- **Eavesdropping and Surveillance Laws**: It is illegal to install a listening device in someone's vehicle without their consent.
- **Legal Consequences**: Unauthorized surveillance can lead to criminal charges.
Would you like more information on how to take legal action against unauthorized surveillance?
What if I found a tracker on my car placed by a private investigator hired from my Childs father
Hi ****,
I understand your concern about finding a tracker on your car. Here are some key points regarding your situation in South Carolina:
- **Unauthorized Tracking**: Installing a tracking device on someone's vehicle without their consent is illegal.
- **Report to Authorities**: You can report this to local law enforcement.
- **Legal Action**: Consider consulting an attorney for advice on possible legal actions.
Would you like more information on how to find an attorney in South Carolina?
Is it legal for a private investigator to put a tracker on your car without you knowing
Hi ****,
In South Carolina, it is illegal for anyone, including a private investigator, to place a tracker on your car without your consent. Here are some steps you can take:
- **Report to Authorities**: Inform local law enforcement about the unauthorized tracking.
- **Consult an Attorney**: Seek legal advice for potential legal actions.
Would you like more information on finding an attorney in South Carolina?
being harassed with fake numbers, fake social media accounts, my mom being harassed, my step mom, and myself then I find a tracker on my car
Hi ****,
I understand your situation is very distressing. Here are some key points to consider regarding harassment and unauthorized tracking in South Carolina:
- **Harassment**: Repeated unwanted contact, including fake numbers and social media accounts, can be considered harassment.
- **Unauthorized Tracking**: It is illegal to place a tracker on someone's car without their consent.
- **Report to Authorities**: Report these incidents to the police for investigation.
- **Document Everything**: Keep records of all harassment and evidence of the tracker.
Would you like more information on how to take legal action or find an attorney in South Carolina?
Do I have to tell police anything about my child if the father who is violent sent them for a wellness check
Hi ****,
I understand your concern. Here are some key points regarding your situation:
- **Wellness Checks**: Police conduct these to ensure the child's safety.
- **Legal Obligation**: You are not legally required to provide detailed information beyond confirming the child’s well-being.
- **Rights**: You can request to have an attorney present during any interactions.
Would you like more information on how to protect your rights or find an attorney in South Carolina?
Do I have to confirm my Childs well being when they come to my house or can I get my attorney to handle it
Hi ****,
You have the right to have your attorney handle interactions with law enforcement regarding wellness checks. Here are some key points:
- **Attorney Representation**: Your attorney can communicate with the police on your behalf.
- **Confirm Well-being**: You may need to confirm your child's well-being, but your attorney can assist.
Would you like more information on finding an attorney in South Carolina?
what if I don't confirm my Childs well being
Hi ****,
I understand your concern. Here are some key points regarding wellness checks in South Carolina:
- **Police Authority**: Police have the authority to ensure a child's safety during a wellness check.
- **Non-Compliance**: Refusing to confirm your child's well-being could lead to further investigation or involvement from child protective services.
Would you like more information on how to handle wellness checks or finding an attorney in South Carolina?
What do I do if I am scared to tell police where my child is because the father has no rights currently and is violent
Hi ****,
I understand your concern. Here are some key points to consider in South Carolina:
- **Safety First**: Ensure your child's safety is the top priority.
- **Attorney Assistance**: Have your attorney communicate with the police on your behalf.
- **Documentation**: Document any threats or incidents involving the father.
Would you like more information on finding an attorney in South Carolina?
My Childs father's girlfriend accusing me of harming my child with fake numbers
Hi ****,
I understand your situation is challenging. Here are some key points regarding false accusations and harassment in South Carolina:
- **Harassment**: Repeated false accusations and use of fake numbers can be considered harassment.
- **Documentation**: Keep records of all false accusations and communications.
- **Legal Action**: Consider consulting an attorney for guidance on how to address this legally.
Would you like more information on finding an attorney in South Carolina?