Cohabitation And Ppo Validity


A Personal Protection Order (PPO) remains in effect in Eaton County, Michigan, even if the parties cohabitate, unless rescinded by a judge. Violation of a PPO can result in criminal charges, regardless of cohabitation. Always seek legal advice for your specific situation.

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If a couple cohabitates after a PPO does it make it null and void?
Hello ****, it's important to know that laws can vary depending on your location. Could you please provide me with your general location so I can give you the most accurate information?
Eaton county
Hello ****, in Eaton County, Michigan:
- A Personal Protection Order (PPO) remains in effect even if the parties cohabitate, unless it's rescinded by a judge.
- Violation of a PPO can result in criminal charges, even if the parties are living together.
Please consult a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****! If you have any other questions or need more information, feel free to ask. Remember, it's always best to seek legal advice from a professional for your specific situation.