Living Conditions Legal Guidance


The user, a 16-year-old female from Visalia, California, shared concerns about living conditions, emotional and physical abuse, and educational neglect. California law does not mandate separate rooms for parents and children, but Child Protective Services may intervene if the situation is deemed inappropriate. The user expressed discomfort due to her fathers behavior and the poor condition of her bed. She also reported past physical abuse, domestic violence, and animal abuse. The user was advised to document instances of abuse, contact Child Protective Services, and consider seeking a restraining order against her grandmother for emotional abuse and threats. The importance of safety and well-being was emphasized throughout the conversation.

Full Conversation

So me and my dad live with his parents in their house his sister liver here too me and my dad have to share a room and there is an extra room available but his parents use it for when their great grandkids come over
Hi there. It sounds like you're having a tough situation. In California, there is no specific law that requires your grandparents to provide you with a separate room. However, overcrowding can be a problem under housing laws. Do you feel your living conditions are overcrowded?
No not really it just makes me uncomfortable to share a room with my dad
I understand your discomfort. In California:
- There's no specific law mandating separate rooms for parents and children.
- However, Child Protective Services could get involved if the situation is deemed inappropriate.
Before proceeding, it's crucial to have open conversations with your family.
It mostly makes me uncomfortable because my dad sleeps or walks around in his underwear a lot of the time
I understand your discomfort. Here are some points to consider:
- Walking around in underwear might be seen as inappropriate behavior.
- If it makes you uncomfortable, it might be regarded as a form of sexual harassment.
- If possible, discuss this with a trusted adult or counselor.
Your comfort and safety are important.
He doesn't try to do anything sexual against me i just thinks its gross and wrong
I understand your discomfort. Here are some points to consider:
- It's important to communicate your discomfort to your dad.
- If the situation doesn't improve, consider seeking help from a school counselor or trusted adult.
- In severe cases, you can report to Child Protective Services.
Always prioritize your well-being.
Thank you i do think it's inappropriate especially since I'm a girl
You're welcome. It's important to assert your boundaries. If needed, contact local authorities or Child Protective Services. Their number in Tulare County is (*) *-*. Remember, your comfort and safety is a priority.
Another thing is the bed i have to sleep on is about * or 13 years old it is messed up and stained
I understand that might be uncomfortable. In California, landlords must provide habitable conditions, including a bed in good condition. You could discuss this with your grandparents or contact the local health department if the condition doesn't improve.
I don't like talking to his parents they are very manipulative and emotionally abusive
I'm sorry to hear that. Emotional abuse is serious. Here are some steps you can take:
- Document instances of abuse.
- Reach out to a trusted adult or counselor.
- Contact Child Protective Services if you feel unsafe.
Your safety and wellbeing are paramount.
Everyone in this house is
I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way, but I'm unable to provide the help that you need. It's really important to talk things over with someone who can, though, such as a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life.
My dad hasn't taken me to school in a very long time his sister took me on May 15th and i haven't been to school since
I'm sorry to hear that. In California, education is compulsory for children from ages * to *. If you're not being taken to school, this can be considered educational neglect. I recommend reaching out to a school counselor, teacher, or principal about your situation. They can provide support and potentially involve Child Protective Services.
Ok thank you i do independent studies so I'm only supposed to go once a week but he still doesn't take me
I see. In California, parents have a legal obligation to ensure their children's education. If your father is failing to support you in your independent studies, this could be considered educational neglect. You should contact your school or Child Protective Services as soon as possible.
Past physical abuse,past domestic violence,emotional abuse,financial abuse, emotional neglect,educational neglect,medical neglect,unsanitary living conditions and inappropriate living arrangements, animal abuse theses are the allegations i have against my dad
I'm really sorry you're experiencing this. Given the severity of these allegations, it's important you take the following steps:
- Contact Child Protective Services in Tulare County: (*) *-*
- Report the situation to a trusted adult or school counselor
- Document all instances of abuse.
Your safety is extremely important.
How serious are they?
The allegations you've listed are very serious. They span multiple forms of abuse and neglect, which can have severe consequences under California law. It's essential to report these issues to the appropriate authorities, like Child Protective Services, immediately. Always prioritize your safety.
Can he get arrested for those?
Yes, he can. The allegations you've mentioned fall under different categories of abuse and neglect. In California:
- Domestic violence and physical abuse are crimes.
- Emotional and financial abuse can lead to legal consequences.
- Neglect in education, medical, or living conditions can result in severe penalties.
Always ensure your safety first.
Ok thank you so much how long is the sentencing for all those allegations?
The sentencing can vary depending on the severity and frequency of the offenses. Some potential sentences in California could include:
- Domestic Violence: Up to 1 year in jail or *-4 years in state prison.
- Child Neglect: Up to 1 year in county jail or *-6 years in state prison.
- Animal Abuse: Up to 1 year in county jail or 16 months to 3 years in state prison.
Please report these issues immediately to ensure your safety.
So i have text,papers,pictures and some people who can testify for most of those allegations
That's very important. In legal proceedings, evidence is crucial. Here's what you should do:
- Keep all the evidence safe and organized.
- Share this evidence when you report to Child Protective Services or the police.
- A lawyer can help use this evidence effectively in court.
- Always prioritize your safety.
So unfortunately i don't have proof of animal abuse bug my dogs are scared of him and they flinch if someone moves to fast by them or tries to touch thier face
I'm sorry to hear about your pets. In California, animal abuse is taken seriously. Even if you don't have solid proof, behavioral changes in animals can indicate abuse. Contact your local animal control agency or the police to report suspected abuse. Always ensure the safety of yourself and your pets.
Can i tell them that i don't have proof of animal abuse but to see how my dogs react when you try to touch thier face
Yes, you can. The behavior of your dogs can be considered as circumstantial evidence of abuse. This, along with your testimony, can be used to investigate further. Always prioritize the safety of yourself and your pets.
My dad has smacked my dogs in the face,kicked them,hit them with objects and has squeezed their paws before
I'm really sorry to hear about your dogs. This is a serious case of animal abuse. In California:
- Animal abuse is a crime.
- It includes physical harm and intentional infliction of pain.
Immediately report this to your local animal control agency or the police. Your pets' safety is crucial.
It mostly my pitbull that he hits and yells at she is super skidish
I'm sorry to hear that your pitbull is being mistreated. In California, animal cruelty is a crime and can lead to serious penalties. Report this abuse to your local animal control agency or the police. It's important to prioritize the safety of your pets and yourself.
Thank you he told me in the past to not tell anyone that he hits them because he'll get in trouble and they will take the dogs away i don't care if they take my dogs away as long as they are safe
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's brave of you to seek help. Here's what you can do:
- Report the animal abuse to your local animal control agency or the police
- You can tell them about your dogs' behavior as evidence of abuse
- Remember, your safety and your pets' safety are paramount.
The only thing i don't really have proof of is past domestic violence my mom passed away in * but i remember my dad pushing her when i was younger this was many years ago probably about 10 years ago i remember seeing him push her my grandma knows about it she remembers what my mom told her
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Even though it happened years ago, it's important to share this with Child Protective Services. Your grandmother's testimony can help. Past domestic violence can impact decisions about your safety and well-being. Always prioritize your safety.
My dad was never the best husband he cheated on his ex wife the mother of his youngest son with my mom my mom wasn't aware he was married at the time he lied about his age to my mom and he cheated on my mom when i was a baby and he has yelled at my mom several times
I'm sorry to hear about your family's history. While infidelity and lying aren't typically punishable by law, they could be considered in custody or divorce proceedings. Do you have any questions about your rights or how to report these issues? Remember, your safety is important.
No thank you i probably won't mention them unless asked
I understand. Remember, it's important to share all relevant information when reporting abuse. If you have any other questions or concerns in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Stay safe.
What is relevant when reporting abuse?
When reporting abuse, these are some key facts to provide, if possible:
- Description of the incident(s)
- Time and date of the incident(s)
- Identity of the abuser
- Physical and emotional condition of the victim
- Any evidence (texts, emails, pictures, etc.)
- Witnesses, if any
- Previous reports or interventions, if any
- Effect of the abuse on the victim's life
Remember to prioritize your safety and well-being.
Ok thank you i actually have proof of emotional abuse from my dad on text i heard emotional abuse is one of the hardest abuses to prove
That's great you have proof. In California:
- Emotional abuse is considered serious.
- Text messages can serve as evidence.
- It can be challenging, but not impossible to prove.
Ensure this evidence is kept safe and share it when you report. Prioritize your safety.
Can i ask for a restraining order against his mom she emotionally abuses me more than anyone and she has threatened to hit me
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In California, you can apply for a restraining order if you're experiencing abuse or threats. Here's how:
- File a request with your local court.
- You'll need to provide evidence of the abuse.
- A judge will review your request.
Remember, your safety is a priority.
Ok thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions in the future, please don't hesitate to ask. Stay safe and take care.