Family Court Order Conflicts


In New York, a carve out in a restraining order allows certain exceptions for communication or contact, often related to childrens welfare or visitation rights. However, if there is a conflict between a family court order and an Order of Protection (OOP), the OOP typically prevails. Review both orders carefully and consult with a legal professional for clarification. If necessary, have the orders amended in court.

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Sure, I can provide some general information about family court cases in New York. Could you please specify your query? Are you looking for information about child custody, divorce, or something else?
My ex has a restraining order against me but I have a family court carve out.
In New York, a "carve out" in a restraining order typically allows certain exceptions for communication or contact. However, specifics vary:
- Communication about children's welfare may be allowed.
- Visitation rights might be preserved.
Please consult a local attorney to review your order.
She said the OOP trumps the family court order.
In New York, if there is a conflict between a family court order and an Order of Protection (OOP), the OOP typically prevails. However, each situation is unique. For clarification:
- Review both orders carefully.
- Consult with a legal professional.
- If necessary, have the orders amended in court.