Inappropriate Living Conditions California


In California, inappropriate living conditions for minors include unsafe or unsanitary environments, lack of necessary food or medical care, absence of a responsible adult, exposure to illegal activities, and overcrowding. If a minor is subjected to unsanitary conditions, lack of privacy, or inappropriate exposure, it is advisable to discuss the situation with a trusted adult or contact Child Protective Services. Collecting evidence such as photos, videos, and documents can support the case. If physical harm occurs, document injuries and seek medical attention. Reporting to Child Protective Services or local law enforcement is crucial. Minors have the right to feel safe and respected, and their feelings and boundaries should be acknowledged.

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Ok so me and my dad have to share a room and there is an open bedroom that i can't sleep in my dad keeps the room messy but blames it on me my dad leaves urine bottles on the dresser and he sleeps and sometimes walk around in nothing but his underwear
The situation you described could be considered inappropriate. In California:
- Living in unsanitary conditions is not suitable.
- Lack of privacy could be a concern.
- Inappropriate exposure might be an issue.
You might want to discuss this with a trusted adult or local child protective services.
Ok thank you yeah I'm a girl too so he shouldn't be walking around like that
I understand your discomfort. You can contact California Child Protective Services. They ensure children's safety. Their hotline: *-*-*-*. Remember, your privacy and sense of safety are important.
Can i share the proof i have against every allegations?
Yes, you can share any proof that supports your case with relevant authorities. It is essential to provide as much evidence as possible when reporting an issue to Child Protective Services. This could include photos, videos, or any other form of proof.
For the past physical abuse I'm going to testify about that if he hits me again in the future I'll take pictures,past domestic violence me and my grandma are going to testify for that,emotional abuse i have text,financial abuse i have bank papers,emotional neglect I'm going to testify,educational neglect i have text,medical neglect i have medical records and pictures,unsanitary living conditions i have pictures,inappropriate living arrangements i have pictures,animal abuse i have behavior as evidence
You're doing the right thing by collecting evidence. It's essential to keep yourself safe during this process. Present your evidence to Child Protective Services. In California, you can also contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at *-*-*-* for additional advice and support.
If my dad hits me and leaves bruises what should i do?
If you're physically harmed, you should:
- Document injuries with photos.
- Seek medical attention if needed.
- Report to Child Protective Services (*-*-*-*) or local law enforcement.
Remember, your safety is the priority. Reach out to trusted adults for immediate help.
Another thing i don't like is my dad smacks me on the butt it makes me uncomfortable he does it joking but it still makes me uncomfortable
I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling uncomfortable. In California, behavior that makes you uncomfortable, especially if it's physical, can be considered inappropriate. Have you shared your feelings about this with a trusted adult or considered reporting it to Child Protective Services?
No i haven't he also comments on my breast being "big" to which makes me uncomfortable and self conscious
I'm sorry you're experiencing this. It's inappropriate and may be considered sexual harassment. In California, it's important to:
- Share with a trusted adult.
- Report to Child Protective Services (*-*-*-*).
- Document incidents if safe to do so.
Remember, your feelings are valid and should be respected.
I will yeah he doesn't say it in an inappropriate way he just says they are getting bigger or they got big
Even if he doesn't say it in an inappropriate way, if it makes you uncomfortable, it's not okay. You have the right to feel safe and respected. Reporting this to Child Protective Services is a good step.
Thank you i haven't mentioned it to anyone yet
You're welcome. I understand it can be difficult to talk about these issues. Remember, your safety is the utmost priority. Reach out to Child Protective Services at *-*-*-* when you're ready. You're not alone in this.
If i snap and yell stop at my dad next time he smacks my butt he'll yell at me about getting upset with him
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In California:
- You have the right to express discomfort.
- It's important to set boundaries.
Remember, your feelings matter. If you feel threatened, reach out to Child Protective Services.