Divorce Decree Clarification Steps


If you have a judgment of divorce, it means you already have a divorce decree. The terms are used interchangeably to refer to the final court order ending the marriage and outlining the terms of the divorce. If there are discrepancies in the health insurance provisions, review the order, consult a family law attorney, and file a motion if needed. Communicate clearly with your lawyer about billing and document errors, and seek a second opinion if necessary.

Full Conversation

Livingston county nys
Thank you for providing your location. Here is some general information about obtaining a divorce decree in Livingston County, NY:
- **Divorce Decree:** This is the final order from the court officially ending the marriage.
- **Copy Requests:** You can request a copy from the County Clerk's Office where the divorce was granted.
- **Required Information:** Provide names of both parties, date of the divorce, and case number (if available).
Would you like details on how to contact the Livingston County Clerk’s Office for further assistance?
What is judgment of divorce if you have a stipulation agreement
A judgment of divorce with a stipulation agreement means that both parties have mutually agreed to the terms of the divorce, which are then formalized in a written agreement. This agreement is submitted to the court and, once approved, becomes part of the final divorce judgment.
Would you like information on how to contact the Livingston County Clerk’s Office for further assistance?
Is it necessary to file a motion for qualified medical child support order
A Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO) is typically required when a child support order includes provisions for health insurance coverage. Filing a motion for a QMCSO ensures the child's health benefits are enforced through the parent's employer's health plan.
Would you like details on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for further assistance?
Is in every divorce case lawyer does or depends on client
The necessity of having a lawyer in a divorce case depends on the complexity of the case and the preferences of the parties involved. While it's not legally required to have a lawyer, it is often advisable, especially in complicated cases involving children, significant assets, or disputes.
Would you like information on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for additional assistance?
As soon as divorce finalized why child o also get dropped from insurance even if
It sounds like your concern is about why a child may be dropped from health insurance after a divorce is finalized. Generally, coverage for children should continue as long as stipulated in the divorce decree or child support order.
Could you clarify if the insurance policy is through an employer or a private plan? This will help provide more specific information.
Order say plaintiff shall maintain health insurance but we were both was under my husband’s(defendant )insurance and he is agreed to keep his child
Thank you for the clarification. It seems like there may be a misunderstanding in the interpretation of the order. If the order states that the plaintiff must maintain health insurance, but the child is under the defendant's insurance, it might need further legal review to ensure compliance.
Would you like information on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for assistance in resolving this issue?
Yes. How can I resolve this
Thank you for your patience. To address the issue of ensuring that your child remains covered under the defendant's insurance, you may need to take the following steps:
- **Review the Divorce Decree:** Ensure the language explicitly states the child's insurance coverage.
- **Consult a Family Law Attorney:** They can provide a detailed interpretation and suggest amendments if necessary.
- **File a Motion:** If needed, file a motion to clarify or modify the order regarding health insurance coverage.
Would you like information on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for further assistance?

Livingston County Family Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Court St, Geneseo, NY *
Website: www.nycourts.gov
My lawyer is not cooperating
I'm sorry to hear that your lawyer is not cooperating. Here are some steps you can take:
- **Communicate Clearly:** Send a formal letter or email outlining your concerns and expectations.
- **Seek Mediation:** Consider a third-party mediator to resolve the issues.
- **File a Complaint:** Contact the New York State Bar Association if necessary.
Would you like more detailed information on any of these steps?
How I can explain this problem on e mail to my lawyer
Certainly! Below is a structured email template you can use to explain your problem to your lawyer:
Subject: Urgent: Clarification and Assistance Needed on Health Insurance Coverage for Child Post-Divorce
Dear [Lawyer’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek your urgent assistance and clarification regarding the health insurance coverage for my child following the finalization of my divorce.
Here are the key points of concern:
*. **Judgment of Divorce with Stipulation Agreement**:
- The divorce decree states that I (the plaintiff) must maintain health insurance for our child.
- However, my child and I were both under my ex-husband’s (the defendant) insurance plan, and he has agreed to keep our child covered.
*. **Issue**:
- Despite the agreement, there appears to be an issue with ensuring that my child remains covered under the defendant's insurance plan.
- I am worried that the current order may not clearly reflect the agreed terms regarding insurance coverage.
*. **Action Needed**:
- Review the divorce decree to confirm the language explicitly states the child's insurance coverage.
- Provide guidance on whether we need to file a motion to clarify or modify the order to ensure compliance with
Where can I find the divorce decree
To obtain a copy of your divorce decree in Livingston County, NY, follow these steps:
- **Visit the County Clerk’s Office:** This is where divorce records are typically maintained.
- **Provide Required Information:** Names of both parties, date of the divorce, and case number (if available).
- **Request a Copy:** Submit a formal request for a copy of the divorce decree.
Would you like details on how to contact the Livingston County Clerk’s Office for further assistance?
Is judgment of divorce and divorce decree is the same
In legal terminology, the terms "judgment of divorce" and "divorce decree" are often used interchangeably. Both refer to the final court order that officially ends the marriage and outlines the terms of the divorce.
Would you like more detailed information on any specifics of your divorce case?
I do have a judgment of divorce
It seems like you're seeking further clarification on your judgment of divorce. Could you please specify what particular issue or information you need regarding your judgment of divorce?
This will help me provide the most relevant information for your situation.
So which means I already have a divorce decree
Yes, if you have a judgment of divorce, it means you already have a divorce decree. The terms are used interchangeably to refer to the final court order ending the marriage and outlining the terms of the divorce.
Is there a specific aspect of the judgment of divorce you need help with?
Then on the judgment of divorce says ordered and adjudged that the plaintiff shall continue to maintain health insurance for the child for so long as it is available to her, pursuant to written stipulation of the parties
It sounds like there may be some confusion regarding the health insurance provision in your judgment of divorce. Here’s what you can do:
- **Review the Judgment:** Ensure it clearly stipulates the terms regarding who should maintain the child’s health insurance.
- **Consult a Family Law Attorney:** They can help interpret the judgment and suggest appropriate actions.
- **File a Motion:** If needed, to clarify or modify the order regarding health insurance.
Would you like information on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for further assistance?
When you retain a lawyer why you need to talk paralegal and why your lawyer does not explain your divorce papers
When you retain a lawyer, it is common to interact with paralegals too. Paralegals assist with many tasks such as document preparation and communication to ensure efficiency. If your lawyer is not explaining your divorce papers, you may need to request a detailed explanation directly from them.
Is there a specific part of your divorce papers you need help understanding?
I understand your frustration. Let's ensure you get the clarity you need. Could you please specify which part of your divorce papers you need help understanding? This will help me provide the most relevant information.
Stipulation agreement done at * so the child was a minor, now is 20 years old so thing are changed since
It seems like your concern is about changes in the stipulation agreement now that your child is 20 years old. Generally, child support obligations, including health insurance, may end when the child reaches adulthood unless otherwise specified.
Could you clarify if you need information on modifying the agreement or another specific issue?
Yes please
To modify the stipulation agreement given your child is now 20 years old, you may need to take the following steps:
- **Review Current Agreement:** Ensure it outlines the terms for when the child reaches adulthood.
- **Consult a Family Law Attorney:** They can provide advice on the necessary modifications.
- **File a Motion:** Submit a motion to modify the agreement in court.
Would you like information on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for further assistance?
No QMCSO says continue as available until the respective emancipation of the aforementioned dependents
Thank you for clarifying. It sounds like the QMCSO states that health insurance should continue until the dependents are emancipated. Since your child is now 20 years old, let's consider the following:
- **Review the QMCSO:** Ensure it defines the emancipation criteria.
- **Consult a Family Law Attorney:** For advice on your specific situation.
- **File a Motion:** To clarify or modify the order if needed.
Would you like detailed information on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for assistance?
Nothing on the order about emancipation it only says I unemancipated dependent
Thank you for your patience. It seems like the QMCSO mentions "unemancipated dependent" but does not define emancipation. Here are some steps you might consider:
- **Consult a Family Law Attorney:** They can help interpret the order and provide guidance on next steps.
- **File a Motion:** To clarify or modify the order to include specific details about emancipation.
Would you like information on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for further assistance?
If defendant continues to provide an insurance it is ok and legal on this case
Yes, if the defendant continues to provide insurance, it is generally acceptable and legal, provided it complies with the terms outlined in the divorce decree or QMCSO.
Would you like more detailed information on how to ensure compliance with the court order?
Because order says plaintiff shall maintain
It sounds like there's a discrepancy between the court order and the current situation regarding health insurance coverage for your child. Here’s what you can do:
- **Review the Order:** Carefully read the wording to understand the requirement.
- **Consult a Family Law Attorney:** They can help interpret the order and suggest appropriate actions.
- **File a Motion:** If needed, to modify the order to reflect the current arrangement.
Would you like information on how to contact the Livingston County Family Court for further assistance?
Even though my lawyer knew we were both under defendant’s insurance why she did not corrected or
It sounds like you’re concerned about why your lawyer did not correct the insurance issue in the divorce order. Here are some steps you can take:
- **Communicate Clearly:** Send a formal email outlining your concerns and asking for an explanation.
- **Seek a Second Opinion:** Consult another family law attorney for advice.
- **File a Motion:** To correct or clarify the order if necessary.
Would you like help drafting an email to your lawyer or finding a new attorney for a second opinion?
Because she did due to stipulations agreement from * if it is why she had motion
It seems like you are seeking clarity on why your lawyer did not correct the insurance issue due to the stipulation agreement from *. Here’s what you can do:
- **Review the * Stipulation Agreement:** Ensure it accurately reflects your understanding.
- **Communicate Clearly:** Ask your lawyer for an explanation.
- **Consult Another Attorney:** For a second opinion or to possibly file a motion to amend the order.
Would you like help drafting an email to your lawyer or more information on finding a new attorney?
Yes please
Certainly! Below is a structured email template you can use to explain your concerns to your lawyer:
**Subject:** Urgent: Clarification Needed on Health Insurance Coverage for Child Post-Divorce
Dear [Lawyer’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek your urgent assistance and clarification regarding the health insurance coverage for my child following the finalization of my divorce.
Here are the key points of concern:
*. **Judgment of Divorce and Stipulation Agreement:**
- The divorce decree states that I (the plaintiff) must maintain health insurance for our child.
- However, our child and I were both covered under my ex-husband’s (the defendant) insurance plan, and he has agreed to keep our child covered.
*. **Issue:**
- Despite the agreement, the current order may not clearly reflect the terms regarding insurance coverage, causing potential compliance issues.
- I am concerned that the stipulation agreement from * does not align with the current situation.
*. **Action Needed:**
- Please review the * stipulation agreement and the current divorce decree to confirm the language explicitly states the child's insurance coverage.
- Provide guidance on whether we need to file a motion
How can I address the problem that when I talked with her paralegal was answering my questions as “I don’t know” and my lawyer thinks we spend hours after I received judgment of divorce by e mail
I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing these issues. Here's a concise email template to address your concerns with your lawyer:
**Subject:** Concerns Regarding Paralegal Responses and Billing
Dear [Lawyer’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding recent interactions with your office and billing issues.
*. **Paralegal Responses:**
- When I spoke with your paralegal, many of my questions were answered with "I don’t know." This has left me without the necessary guidance.
*. **Billing Concerns:**
- I received the judgment of divorce by email, and it appears that we have been billed for hours post-judgment. I would appreciate a detailed breakdown of these charges.
Could you please address these concerns and provide clarity on how we can improve communication and avoid unnecessary billing in the future?
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
Would you like assistance with anything else?
My lawyer billed me initial consultation as *.* even though I paid that before I retain her how can I adress the situation
I understand your concern. Here's a concise email template to address the billing issue with your lawyer:
**Subject:** Billing Discrepancy: Initial Consultation Charge
Dear [Lawyer’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to discuss a discrepancy in my billing statement.
- **Initial Consultation Charge:**
- I noticed that I have been billed for *.* hours for the initial consultation, even though I had already paid for this before retaining your services.
Could you please review this charge and provide clarification or make the necessary adjustments?
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
Would you like assistance with anything else?
Are a ai
It seems like there might have been a misunderstanding in your message. Could you please clarify what specific legal information or guidance you need right now? This will help me provide you with the most relevant assistance.
How lawyer can start charging before I sign retainer agreement
A lawyer typically should not start charging for services before a retainer agreement is signed, as the agreement outlines the scope of work and fees. However, initial consultations might be billed separately. Here's what you can do:
- **Review Communications:** Ensure you haven't agreed to any terms verbally or via email.
- **Request Clarification:** Ask the lawyer for an itemized bill and explanation.
- **Consult Another Attorney:** For advice on whether the charges are appropriate.
Would you like assistance drafting an email to your lawyer for clarification?
They already send that’s why I see the dates that they put miscellaneous etc before I signed the contract
It seems like you're concerned about charges incurred before signing the retainer agreement. Here’s a concise email template to address this issue with your lawyer:
**Subject:** Clarification Needed on Pre-Retainer Agreement Charges
Dear [Lawyer’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek clarification regarding some charges on my bill.
*. **Pre-Retainer Agreement Charges:**
- I noticed charges for services labeled as "miscellaneous" before the retainer agreement was signed. Could you please explain these charges?
*. **Billing Transparency:**
- I would appreciate a detailed breakdown of these charges to understand their necessity and appropriateness.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
Would you like assistance with anything else?
During the initial consultation my lawyer already knew about stipulations agreement and I clearly stated that I already paid twice to my previous lawyer and clearly told my budget that how much I could pay she told me also took a note that “we normally charge $ …. And the filing fee and now sending invoice that I did not even know I got charge even they made a mistake address etc on papers so they try to charge twice one for the document snd second correct he mistake on documents how humiliating my intelligence
I understand your frustration regarding the billing and errors. Here’s a structured email template you can use to address these issues with your lawyer:
**Subject:** Urgent: Clarification and Resolution Needed on Billing and Document Errors
Dear [Lawyer’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek urgent clarification and resolution regarding several concerns related to my billing and document errors:
*. **Billing Issues:**
- During our initial consultation, I clearly stated my budget and that I had already paid twice to my previous lawyer.
- Despite this, I received an invoice with charges that were not discussed, including charges for correcting mistakes on documents.
*. **Document Errors:**
- There were errors in the address on the documents, for which I was charged twice: once for the original document and once for the correction.
*. **Expectations and Communication:**
- I was informed of your standard charges and filing fees during our consultation, and I expected transparency regarding any additional costs.
- It is disheartening to be billed for errors that were not my fault and to feel that my concerns were not considered.
Could you please review these issues and provide a detailed breakdown of the charges? Additionally, I request that charges for correcting
Thank you so much ☺️
You're welcome! If you need any further assistance or have more questions, feel free to reach out. Good luck with resolving your issues, and have a great day! ????