Cps Investigation Procedures California


CPS in California generally conducts in-person visits for first-time investigations, but may call for less serious allegations. Emotional abuse and health hazards like mold are taken seriously. Homeowners are responsible for maintaining a safe environment. Consult a local legal professional for specific advice.

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I only reported emotional abuse so they'll probably just call
In California, CPS generally conducts in-person investigations. However, the approach may vary based on the severity of allegations. Emotional abuse is taken seriously, and it's possible they could visit. For precise information, consult a local legal professional.
Oh ok thank you yeah i also told them that there is mold in teh shower
Mold in the shower can be a health hazard. If you're residing in a rental property in California, landlords are legally required to provide habitable premises. If not, you could report this issue. It's best to consult with a local legal professional for further guidance.
We live in my dads parents house with them and his sister
Living with family can complicate matters. However, the presence of mold is still a health concern. Do your grandparents own the property? If so, they may be responsible for addressing this issue. It's recommended to consult with a local legal professional for guidance.
Yes they do
In California, homeowners are responsible for maintaining a safe and livable environment. If they fail to do so, it can be considered negligence. It's recommended to consult with a local legal professional for specific advice.